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naganumbness eats antillais carribbean

What happened Ed? It's only 54 seconds long.... I can't believe this is the one that finally made you run for the sink to hurl. Heheheheh (I'm expecting your Yellow 7 to do that to me by the way) It was just getting good when the video cut off. I did hear you say you thought it tasted like a Red Savania, that is one of the last peppers I have left in the fridge to try. Can't wait to see the whole video.
sorry about this guys! just as i swallowed the batteries on the camera went dead. so i'll do a partial written review. fantastic pepper!the flavour ws like red savina but better. very few seeds , very fruty with more of a subtle habanero flavour. the burn was instant. i thought my gigantic lips were going to fall off!haha. roof of the mouth and toungue were destroyed. i found this pepper to be hotter than red savina but with no throat burn. i plan to grow this one in the future as there would be so many uses for it from cooking to stuffing and especially for drying. i did this test about 3 hours ago and i can still taste it. this one and bond ma jaques are at the top of my non-nuclear chinense list. again i apologise for the battery mishap. this would have been a good vid with plenty of suffering. crap happens! at least you missed out on the severe post nasal drip!
yeah sorry michael. there was no running to the sink but it was hot as hell! that flip camera goes through batteries like i go through beer. they cut off right as i swallowed!
yeah sorry michael. there was no running to the sink but it was hot as hell! that flip camera goes through batteries like i go through beer. they cut off right as i swallowed!

Nice Job! Love your description of the heat. Great to hear it had some impressive burn to go with the nice flavor and most important no throat burn. I had a Caribbean Red this weekend that was very very tasty but not as much heat as I would like. No video, but I will post a few more written reviews and pictures tonight. Now I am really looking forward to trying these AC's even more.