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Name that peppa!

Okay, so my buddy who loves all things garden stumbled across these and demanded I buy some for him. So I bought a pack or 5 and am curious to see how they turn out and what they actually are. According to the ad they are "rare" but I am a pesimist. Any ideas on these?

Was not sure about the link rule so here is a pic (I know its a tiny pic on a weird site)


Just did want to link to ebay.... :cool:

Any ideas?
Forgot to put it in, according to the guy it is from Guatemala and Ive found afew blurbs calling it the insanity pepper....probably just a random nickname if that though.
Unless someone corrects me, I'd say that are just an orange annum of some sort that happens to ripen strangely. Or at least did on that pod.

The jingoism in that post is enough for me to not even consider buying from that seller, ever. The lack of knowledge (and amount of made up crap) on peppers just compounds it.

"RARE Famous Chipotle Chili Pepper Seeds" ???
"Breed: Jalapeno spp. –Chipotle Large Type- (Hybrid) 8th gen."?????

I get the impression that they are "RARE!" in a "if I put rare in the description, people might buy them" way.

And the seller may also make up names for anything they can't identify.

Ebay is full of dodgy sellers :)
I'm gonna be a friend here and sugest not buying form Evil Bay. Ya need rare or common,hybrid or heirloom come here . Theres plenty of good people here that won't cheat ya
The picture looks a lot like the PC1-type chiles going around out there. might be a C. frutescens, but more likely a milder C. annuum. what chile is that in the picture? can't really tell, there are endless chiles that look like that.
I get the impression that they are "RARE!" in a "if I put rare in the description, people might buy them" way.

And the seller may also make up names for anything they can't identify.

Ebay is full of dodgy sellers :)

The ad is quite comical, though if the actual pepper ripened that way and was near as hot as a hab I'ld love it. I also like experimenting = )

I'm gonna be a friend here and sugest not buying form Evil Bay. Ya need rare or common,hybrid or heirloom come here . Theres plenty of good people here that won't cheat ya

Evil bay huh? I guess it's all in the expectation set by yourself when you buy :confused: Been on for years and generally buy for fun/interest, though I guess some consumers don't fair so well with purchases if the price point and hopes fail to come to a head. I'm just curious to see what they are mainly (and how they taste!).

The picture looks a lot like the PC1-type chiles going around out there. might be a C. frutescens, but more likely a milder C. annuum. what chile is that in the picture? can't really tell, there are endless chiles that look like that.

Thanks, I'll dig around. From what I can see the photo in the ad is the only one on the net, also regurgitated by the seller in a post around December of last year.

Despite my sarcasm I do appreciate the words of caution, I'm aware of the...um...."hype" (more than mildly put)...unfortunately my buddy is dead set on it being the machu picchu of peppers :P
It most likely a fairly mild chile with no real flavor. by the look of it thin walls and a lot of seeds.

I typed XELA into the google search bar and XELA Guatemala popped up.so clicked on it and and was lead to a site that looks like a buisness directory for Guatemala called www.xelapages.com

so im guessing thats how the seller came up with the fake name for this chili. either way he is full of it and i would not buy a thing from him even tho the seeds are only a few bob,i wouldnt buy them because i dont know what they are.

also i dont think a chile called xela even existed :)
Guatamalan insanity pepper was a joke from the Simpsons TV show , in case you didn't know.

I agree with the others - probably an Annuum "cayenne type" pepper. Several have upright growth habits, so it's kinda hard to guess. :)

As an aside, the seller's name rang some distant bell in my aging brain. After a little search, sure enough, it looks like s/he has dropped in to THP. It might not be the same person, but its a rather unique name.

Thread started by flyingappleseedco

Seems things didn't go so well at THP for flyingapple, since s/he is BANNED. :lol:

Just sayin.

Good luck with your seeds. Let us know how they do.

I typed XELA into the google search bar and XELA Guatemala popped up.so clicked on it and and was lead to a site that looks like a buisness directory for Guatemala called www.xelapages.com

so im guessing thats how the seller came up with the fake name for this chili. either way he is full of it and i would not buy a thing from him even tho the seeds are only a few bob,i wouldnt buy them because i dont know what they are.

also i dont think a chile called xela even existed :)

I followed your path as well, nothing to do with him. I found some of his identities online, not too worried. Also has a good ebay rep which leads to legit buyers after research (not that that means much, just a thought)

Guatamalan insanity pepper was a joke from the Simpsons TV show , in case you didn't know.


I was aware of that, initially one of the reasons I bought it....lol.
I agree with the others - probably an Annuum "cayenne type" pepper. Several have upright growth habits, so it's kinda hard to guess. :)

As an aside, the seller's name rang some distant bell in my aging brain. After a little search, sure enough, it looks like s/he has dropped in to THP. It might not be the same person, but its a rather unique name.

Thread started by flyingappleseedco

Seems things didn't go so well at THP for flyingapple, since s/he is BANNED. :lol:

Just sayin.

Good luck with your seeds. Let us know how they do.

Sheesh, well judging by the ad I could see words flying in a debate (as far as the way he words it) :lol:

I really appreciate the responses, be interesting to see what develops.
There is such a pepper called the Xela, i have seen it on a pepper chart in hippies office, no joke.

Edit: I should add that it is named after the place it was found and is indeed the pepper used for inspiration on the simpsons episode.