Name that pepper part 2...

I was bought this plant as a seedling. The label simply said "cayenne". Is this label correct? Some of these have grown to 7-8 inches. They are green with black streaks. None have turned color. The first large ones, I left, hoping they would turn red. They began to decay/rot at the ends, so I harvested most of them. Dehydrated, then into the food processor, final product was a powder. This powder has wonderful heat and flavor. Are these cayennes? Are they supposed to turn red?
They look exactly like cayanne for sure, but yes they should turn red. I grew them last year by the dozens but they were never near spicy enough for me so I didn't grow any this year, but I'm having the same issue with my jalapenos, they are turning black and then dieing off? It may be do to too much rain or something?

Its been abnormally dry here in my neck of the woods in Vermont. I also picked up some habanero and cherry bomb seedlings this past spring. All have produced a ton of fruit.
This is my first year of gardening. We had a garden growing up, but this is new again. I'll probably have 60-80 cherry bomb peppers, and the same of habaneros. I'm caught off guard with all these peppers!! I have no idea what to do with them all.

I don't know what to say about the peppers turning black and dying...

Here is one of my Cherry bomb plants