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Name that Purple Pepper Plant

I've no idea what this is or where it came from, its possible that it found its way into a baggie from someone in trade, or it could have come in the amishland aching back pepper mix...

Either way its kind of a neat plant, this picture really doesn't do it justice... Its tall, not bushy, small leaves (of course we get that any way to some extent here in florida) the whole plant stands in stark contrast (more than you can see from the picture, it almost looks black) to the plants around it. The pods are short (~1") narrow (1cm maybe) and pointed - also the pods are purple.

Here is the picture, I'll take another one with my better camera later, in better light.


The plant is about 2' tall, and is planted a bit too close to its neighbors which could account for its legginess.

I'm guessing its an annuum. Haven't tried the fruit yet.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
It'll definitely be easier to identify your plant when you've got more information, including heat, flavor, and color(s) the peppers turn during maturity. Looks good though...
LOL! I'm not sure Joe to be honest, I did plant some of your mystery seed come to think about it.

I guess we'll have to see as it matures ehh?

From what I've been reading the Purple Peru grows upright? This one points down.

The fruit has been purple all along (never green), and the flowers are purple as well.

Lastly, almost every variety I've grown out is on my glist. There are a few exceptions - those being the ones in Joes mix, as well as those from the aching back mix. I figured there was no sense listing all of them, until I could confirm what I had :)
LOL! I'm not sure Joe to be honest, I did plant some of your mystery seed come to think about it.

I guess we'll have to see as it matures ehh?

From what I've been reading the Purple Peru grows upright? This one points down.

The fruit has been purple all along (never green), and the flowers are purple as well.

Lastly, almost every variety I've grown out is on my glist. There are a few exceptions - those being the ones in Joes mix, as well as those from the aching back mix. I figured there was no sense listing all of them, until I could confirm what I had :)

it look quite a bit like the plant i have been growing for 2 years now, not this year though

and i got it from my friend and he said it was purple peru, they start out straight up put hang as they mature, however this is not the rule, i have also seen a lg and small fruit type, i have both, im thinking they where crossed someware along the way

its anyone guess

thanks your friend Joe