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seeds Nats seedlings

These are my 25 seedlings that I've kept going for this years hydro and soil grows. Within this bunch are Fatilli, Red Savina, 7-Pot, Scorpion, Chocolate Hab and White Bullet.

I'll be adding Super Datils (from AJ), and several others that I'm starting germination on February 1st, including 36 Bhut Jolokia.

It's going to be a very hot summer... :mouthonfire:

(You can see what my master bath is used for...that's the tub with ply wood covering it. I sleep in the guest room...)
am I supposed to imagine that picture Nat (being a smart ass here)
nice looking seedlings Nat....how old are they... (on my way to the nursery to get a couple of bags of Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix)
AlabamaJack said:
nice looking seedlings Nat....how old are they... (on my way to the nursery to get a couple of bags of Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix)
You're going to love this...I germinated those seedlings right about August 1st, 2008. They're about five and a half months old now. I just put ten of them into 3 gallon pots for dirt grows this summer and the others will all be hydro. The ones in the 4" pots are completely root bound. It's a type of passive hydro. I water them until they're soaked with a nutrient mix once a week. It takes them a week to use it all. Then, they're nice and dry and ready for another 24 hour soak. When I put these into the NFT/Drip hydro system outside, they'll take off like bandits.

The 3 gallon ones are going into a raised bed type grow. I'm going to make a 24" x 24" x 24" open ended box on top of the ground. I'll fill it with a good quality top soil and put those 10 plants into those; one plant per/unit.

The hydro method is a modified NFT combined with a drip to each plant location. Both the NFT and Drip will run 24/7 with a nutrient solution that will be adjusted as the plant matures and fruits.

This years crops are to examine and calculate the needed nutrient strengths and contents. 2010 will be a full blown commercial grow using what this years experiments show as a best process.

That's a dual 125 watt CFL above them. (250 watt total)

Look out.....the Flame Train is coming. :mouthonfire: