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need a quick answer please


Im at my nursery and wanting to pick up a new pepper

Im looking for taste with tolerable hear

Choices are

Caribbean red hot
Dude i already have 40 pepper plants growing :P

About 10 diff strains or so. Im going to make a grow log this weekend so stay tuned! The family and I are building a good size garden planters this weekend. Let the fiery hell break loose muahahaha
i thought i read here a lot of people have poblano has their tastiest pepper? I could be mistaken though
poblanos are tasty but tastes are individual. Personally a good pot of chili verde ala hatch/anaheims can't be beat!
MMMMMM chili verde think i'll make some tomorrow.
Depends on what you want them for.
Anaheim types are best roasted.
Poblanos are about in the same boat.
Both are great all around peppers.
Fresh or dried.
They also come in so many heat ranges they fit almost any ones taste.
They ae never past Med. hot,but that depends on the tasters opinion of hot.

I don't know why Caribbean Reds are so popular in general except for their slightly over the average market habs heat range.
A LOT of just plain red habs have as much heat but more chinense flavour.

Can't really compare flavors of Chinense to Annuums.

For flavour I'd go with the Annuums,Poblano in general.
You can blend it with a lot of stuff for a good pepper taste.
Add other peppers if you want more heat.

As far as flavour goes for a base for my rubs etc.
I use a lot of mixes that contain Poblano,Cascabel,Chile Negro,Puya,Chile de Arbol,New Mex types(Guajillo,California etc,) and Japone Chiles.
I hardly ever use just 1 or 2 chiles in anything I cook.
Combinations make for better taste blends.Different blends add to whatever taste I want for whatever I'm cooking,grilling or smoking.


I like Poblanos best as powder.Especially smoke dried then roasted before grinding into powder.

Anaheims are cool fresh or dried like Poblanos.Depends what you are into using them for.
Some varieties can get warm if you let them turn red.

Caribbean reds to me are too run of the mill.

Great producers of red habs but there are too many red habs around from Mexico or ? that are as productive and taste better.

One of my favorites is Dominican Red Hab.

If you E mail me,I might be able to come up with a few seeds in trade or ? that you can grow out next season unless you are like me and grow year round.
Another great red Hab. is the strain Beth has at Peppermania that were bread by Scotch Bonnet Steve and are Large very productive pods.
Not sure if she still has them for sale,ask her...
I think her red habs are growouts of it but I might be mistaken.
Well worth checking out.