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Need advice for cooling options

Does anyone have ideas on how I could lower the temp in an indoor growing area, beyond using AC? This doesn't apply to peppers, but I have a few sundews that are indigenous to the S. African highlands / mountainous regions. They don't mind temps in the high 70's to mid 80's during the day, which is perfect under my HID lamp, but they need a drop off to 60-65 degrees at night when the light is off in order to do well. Running the AC at those temps throughout the entire house would cost a fortune, and it's simply not an option. I'm looking for a non-expensive alternative. Any novel techniques / suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

I vented my indoor grow room with a Vortex fan which directed the air into my garage. It cooled the room down quite a bit and I also ran a fan which helped out too.
Does the closet/room have attic access?
I use to have an opening to the attic in my closet.
To cool the room some I used to open both the attic door and the closet door and put a box fan sucking air into the closet.
Heat rises so hot air also went out by itself.
On windy days the attic vent turbins turned the closet into a very effective room cooler.

Put a window a/c in that room a small one will remove a lot of heat, outside air needs to be below your temp as Willard said to remove any heat. Good luck with your problem
Put a window a/c in that room a small one will remove a lot of heat, outside air needs to be below your temp as Willard said to remove any heat. Good luck with your problem

Unfortunately, the outside air feels like hell itself. Nine of the last ten days have been 100+, and humidity has been high as well. Thank you all for the tips. I think I have decided to running 6" duct straight up to the attic and attaching a blower to the other side of the HID vent hood. May still not be enough, but should help at least.