food Need Fish Pepper Recipes

I am about to harvest my first Fish Peppers. Now I’ve got to decide what to cook with them. Any suggestions/good recipes you can give me?

Thanks, Tom
Just put them on things you like to cook...slice up a few pieces and add them in.

What are fish peppers by the way?

Off to google I go.

Ok, just checked, some of those peppers look amazing with their different variations and stuff.

Since they look alot like Jalapenos, one good thing to make with them is...hell, I don't even know what they're called but I make them all the time with jalapenos.

There's a couple ways of doing it....

1. (probably easiest)
A) Slice off the top part where the stem goes, save it making sure to keep the stem on it as well.
B) Remove all the seeds and stuff that's in the inside.
C) Fill inside with cream cheese, I usually add a bit of tomato pesto and minced garlic to the cheese and mix it up nice and good to give it a bit more flavor. Put top back on.
D) Wrap with a slice of bacon, use a toothpick to keep bacon on place if needed.
E) OK, they sell some contraptions to put the prepared peppers on so you can put them on the BBQ grill but the oven will work fins as well.

Here are some sample pics of the holders along with a different way of doing this recipe:



2. This second one is practically the same thing except just prepared a different way.

Instead of slicing the top off, I slice them length-wise but I start about 1/3" from the tip to about 1/4" from the top. I then use one of those little curved paring knives and cut the seed membrane off along with all the seeds or most of them. I do this by squeezing the tip and the top together just enough to open the slit I just made in the pepper. The rest of the steps are the same, fill with cheese, wrap with bacon using a toothpick to hold in place, place on the grill, and cook until bacon gets done on low heat or indirect heat. Ther's no need for a pepper holder when you do it this way. When cooking them in an oven, I guess a jelly roll pan or any pan with side would keep the bacon fat from drippping inside your oven and maybe starting a fire.

Make sure to let them set a bit before yo bite into them cause the cheese will burn your lips/mouth.
