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Need help identifying varieties

Hello everyone

Second post on this forum, for the first and a bit of info on myself look here: http://www.thehotpep...pods-for-seeds/

So being new to this game, I got most of my first seeds from some general garden/seed store (can't even remember which, probably Hirts) last year. I didn't label anything and have long since lost the reciept. Hence I require some help in identifying the following two:


The plants these came from grew like weeds. I stuck one in a 2 gallon pot and it is about 5 feet tall, 4 feet wide and has over 100 of these pods on it. Skin is relatively thick, flavor very much like a red sweet pepper and heat I'd say is around Serrano level.


These guys came from a very small (10 inch tall) plant. The skin is paper thin, thinner than a Bhut Jolokia and they are quite hot, almost Orange Habanero level.

If pictures of the pods aren't enough I can supply some of the plants themselves as well

1st one is a Brazilian Starfish. I bought mine from Hirts Gardens as well.. and it also grew like a weed. It was my best plant out of 55 or so.
Thanks guys!

Love the name. I really like the plant as well. It looks spectacular when loaded with pods, seems to thrive with very little soil and the pods taste quite good considering how pretty they are.

As for the second one, I have another clue in a picture from this summer:


The early pods had quite a different shape, being fat and flat. The twirly pattern at the bottom was the same on these pancake like pods though