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Need help selecting peppers

I'm gonna be heading to the Farmer's Market either Thursday or Friday. I want to get a good selection of peppers for eating now and growing next year. What would be a few good choices?

I'm looking for peppers that have a good flavor without being overpowering hot. Here is what I have so far:

Orange Habs

Most of these will either be pickled, dried or made into salsa. Like I said, I don't want anything that is too hot. I personally like the rush of eating hot peppers, but I have to think about everyone else in the house when I cook.

One more question, I want to make some spicy pickled Okra. What would be a good pepper to put in with them?
If you are in Jax...you got to get some Datils...they should be available now and are deliciously hot...there is a recipe for Datil relish on the forum that is delicious too...
Silver_Surfer said:
Slice a few of those orange habs in half, or just puncture a few times with a fork and add those to your okra brine.

Will do. I'm planning on putting up a few gallons, so I was thinking of having some plain, some with habs, some with cowhorn and jalapenos, and some with green tomatoes, habs, sweet banana, eggs and some minced herbs.

AlabamaJack said:
If you are in Jax...you got to get some Datils...they should be available now and are deliciously hot...there is a recipe for Datil relish on the forum that is delicious too...

Added to the list along with tobasco and scotch bonnets.
Made it out today. All I could find were some Jalapinos, Red and Orange Habs, Sweet Banana, Hot Banana, and two I couldn't identify.

One of the unknown are about .75-1.5" long bright red and mild heat.

The other is 8-12" long, bright to dark red and have a sweet, almost cherry flavor.

I'm not worried about what they are, they taste good. I did save a bunch of seeds for next year though.

I've got a bunch of them drying and just canned the rest.