Need help with Business venture

Hello all. I am amping up my business venture with a kickstarter project. I know this is a shameless plug, but I really need to explore every avenue for help.

Here is the link:

I would really appreciate it if anyone could help by contributing or spreading the word. I grow my own peppers for the sauce but will be going to an outside source once I get a contract bottler. I really appreciate any help anyone can give.
Hi Wolfman,

Welcome to THP!

I read your promo's on the kickstart page and have a couple questions.

What tests are you needing that you are asking for funds for? Be Specific. And what do those specific tests cost, at what labs?

With a goal of $10,000.....that's a lot of testing costs!!!!!

even with the funds you have already raised (+$200) that is more than enough for a basic Process Authority review of your single product. I'd be happy to send youinformation about where to get your product tested. What have you been told you need for testing, who has told you that information...and what else do you understand about the food processing industry?

There's a ton of information here and elsewhere just for the reading~
SL --- Actually no funds have been raised yet -- reading through the kickstarter project it seems it is a forum for designing projects that need funding and putting them out there to get support -- supporters pledge a certain amount of funding in return for the various levels of reward (ie donate X number of Dollars Get y as a reward) the person seeking the funding designs the project deciding how much funding they wish to gain, how long to get that funding together and what rewards they will give and then the project is posted. The project runs until the end of the timeframe they designed and it either gains enough funding to be supported and those pledging are charged the amount they pledged or if the funding falls short the project is dropped and no one is charged since the project was dropped. (since the rewards are most likely designed to be paid from the funding raised as well they are not paid out unless the project is funded and the project continues to completion)

Seems like an interesting method but as you mention $10,000 is way more than this project should need to raise for testing - this being one drawback of the site as there seems to be no method of guaranteeing the funds are actually used as described in the project - so in essence someone could design a project just to raise funds for any reason and just need to fulfill the rewards they design into the project - so kind of hard to actually get invested in the concept unless you actually know the person behind the project and can confirm for yourself that the funds will actually be used as outlined.
Well, that's why the business plans are key. I've looked at kickstarter - agree, it can be janky, but you have to really scrutinize the business plan.

In this case I'd suggest the person has been less than successful already because Ann went, looked and had more questions than she had answers. I did the same. That tells you the business plan likely needs some more work to raise $10K. The really good business plans tell you exactly, down to the dollar, what the money is for, how they're raising it, what the package's retail value is and what the margin is that's going towards this funding. They have a marketing plan, a budget, and all the other standards of starting a business.

I don't think kickstarter is bad - I just think people who want to raise thousands of dollars need to put the groundwork in so that people have faith in them and what they're doing. I'd consider doing it, but I'm more likely to get a line of credit - timing is easier to predict, though you can't raise as much $. kickstarter is loaded with examples of the customer gift package being worth loads less than offered to raise $.

One note of caution - this company should consider possible legal exposure putting "hottest sauce you will ever have" on the label - someone who truly has the tested/authenticated "hottest sauce" would likely take issue with that.

Also the accuracy of information this company has may not be the best. For example, my co-packer did the testing after the fact, and it was only ~$200 for all 3 varieties. You might be getting ripped off by your lab and/or may not have accurate information - make sure you shop around and speak to other co-packers/labs.

As SL mentioned, there's a ton of really solid info on starting a company, testing, manufacturing & labeling standards, etc here at THP in the business and marketing forums.

Good luck with your project.
Let's not rain on his parade he can ask for whatever he wants and you can decide if you want to contribute.
Sorry boss - didn't mean to pee on anyone's cheerios. Was actually more trying to provide feedback on how to make a more successful pitch - he is asking for $ after all.

I thought I had some good advice there, but I'll edit down my post to just that. Don't wanna start any issues with anyone.