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Need some help chili warriors

Guys I have a question. Gerald Fowler the man who created the Naga Viper sent me some of his own Chili's to test. He sent me 3 Vipers and a 7-Pot Brain Strain from his own garden to do a video review. I can't even say how excited I am to do this the man is a legend. He also has sent me several sauces and extracts to try.
My question is what is the best way to dry peppers so I don't kill off all the heat? I want to save one of these Vipers and a radio station that's going to interview me wants some peppers to chew on for a challenge I sent them. I have a dehydrator but it makes them brittle and crunchy.
Thanks for your help
That's what happens when you dry them. They will be brittle if there is heat involved. Maybe you would be better off freezing them. Just know that when they thaw they will not be crisp.
Guys I have a question. Gerald Fowler the man who created the Naga Viper sent me some of his own Chili's to test. He sent me 3 Vipers and a 7-Pot Brain Strain from his own garden to do a video review. I can't even say how excited I am to do this the man is a legend. He also has sent me several sauces and extracts to try.
My question is what is the best way to dry peppers so I don't kill off all the heat? I want to save one of these Vipers and a radio station that's going to interview me wants some peppers to chew on for a challenge I sent them. I have a dehydrator but it makes them brittle and crunchy.
Thanks for your help

I agree with what JayT said. You might want to dry a few and freeze a few, see how they turn out for you :D
Keep fresh, do interview soon.
Definitely try them fresh. I'm quite sure the brain strain will prove to be hotter, but I guess we'll have to wait and see :mouthonfire:
Best way to dry them is to slow dry them in a dry room on an open rack, or use your dehydrator on a low temp setting for a few days

I have done a Brain Strain from Florida and it was much Hotter then a Butch T
So I'm sure it will be hotter then the Viper. I just want to know a way to dry them in a way the preserves a lot of the heat.