marketing-promo Need suggestion: Market my business

Hello there,

I’m running a small restaurant in Toronto. I’m here to get some information about offline marketing to boost my business. I’m planning to widen our business and need suggestions to change our business strategies according to the trends.
We are focussing on a targeted customers to increase our business and hold a strong bond with them. One of my friends suggested me to provide eye-catching brochures that can help me get a hike in business. Will this way of direct mail marketing technique get customers easily? If anyone tried please share your experience and suggestions.
Thanks. :)
While I owned a book / gift shop, someone suggested a book called: Gorilla Marketing.  Using that book, the store did very well.  It took a flood and serious injury to close the place after 13 years of growth.
I'm planning to do that, now the shop is under renovation. Need to make it
AJ Drew said:
While I owned a book / gift shop, someone suggested a book called: Gorilla Marketing.  Using that book, the store did very well.  It took a flood and serious injury to close the place after 13 years of growth.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Rawkstah said:
Any reason why you are going offline marketing and not focusing your time and resources on social media marketing and SEO?
Now the shop is under renovation and to start it soon. I bought a domain for our restaurant and need to find someone to do make the website for me. Actually, we decided to promote our restaurant using website and other ways of promotion. We focused on the customers and people near to this place. That's why we choose offline marketing.
Thanks for your advice.