griff87 May 22, 2012 #2 Are you looking for supers crossed with supers or supers crossed with anything? I have some bhut x thai dragon.
Are you looking for supers crossed with supers or supers crossed with anything? I have some bhut x thai dragon.
chad s May 23, 2012 #4 I can help you out at harvest time, bhut x douglah, naga x 7 pot, and from Superhot bhut x scorp, and stinger naga. Shoot me a PM late August Chad
I can help you out at harvest time, bhut x douglah, naga x 7 pot, and from Superhot bhut x scorp, and stinger naga. Shoot me a PM late August Chad
romy6 May 25, 2012 #6 I have a cool Douglah cross just don't have any idea what it crossed with. Send me a pm. It is very hot!!!
I have a cool Douglah cross just don't have any idea what it crossed with. Send me a pm. It is very hot!!!