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plant Neglected plant is fruiting

I forgot about this guy when I was transferring from 1 gal to 5 gal, so he was left behind my house in a 1 gal pot. I guess the storm drain watered it pretty well. What does this plant look like?


1 gal is decent for a pepper plant. I have a jalapeño plant in a 10 or 12 in pot that already starting to produce buds. I have to snip the buds off right now, as the plant is nowhere near tall enough to support a decent amount of fruit right now. I'm gonna give it a couple weeks to start producing buds.
Peppers look like habs, but it really is too soon to tell.
If your plants are big, why are you picking off flowers still?
I meant, wait for those pods pictured to mature, then people might be able to help, with the help of your grow list. Picking from 3 is much easier than guessing from 100s.
Young, early pods can look like anything, and quite often as the plant ages and season wears on the pod shapes will be more developed and in line with what is agreed upon to be said cultivar's shape.