event NERCC Regional Chili Cookoff, 5/1, Somers, CT

Now this is a fun event! It'll be our 3rd year setting up our turkey fryers with this bunch. Come on down and hang with dozens of great chili chefs in this ICS sanctioned event. We don't do chili (yet) but we have a great time with Mad Mike and the crew. Great bands all day, tons of awesome chili, and oh yeah, Defcon wings hand-cooked by yours truly. Each year we have a Deathmatch as well. Here is the address:
Pleasant View
452 South Road
Somers, CT 06071

Hope to see some of you guys there!
For more information, go to www.chilict.com
Here's an added little perk. It seems those in attendance just might be able to sample the prototype of the Deathmatch Mark III (DM-MKIII). Perhaps I'll use it for the Deathmatch that day. Oh man, THIS is gonna be fun!
can't wait to try the III - will be a bit tho cause can't travel when there is this serious suckage of funds - have a blast hurting folks
Just woke up. Looks to be perfect weather for the chili cook-off. I understand they are ghave a very impressive opening ceremony, I'll try to get it on video. It's also a redord number of chili compeitiors this year as well. Looks to be a very fun day indeed.

The Executive Director of the ICS (International Chili Society) flew in yesterday from Orange County, California. Looks like she wants to get us to set up shop at the National Chili Championship later this year. Nothing like settin' up shop in front of 200,000+.

Well, gotta start gettin' ready, got a lot of chicken to cook up today. Look foward to seeing a few of you......
Just got back from the event. Another rousing success. The Deathmatch was a major hit, as we conscripted some local military help to raise the heartbeats of the competitiors. It was funny as Hell. I'll have the video up soon and will post the link.

The best part of the weekend was when we were cordially invited to set up a Defcon booth at the ICS National Championship Chili Competition in Manchester, NH in October by the actual CEO of the ICS, Carol Hancock, who had flown in from California to judge and over see the cookoff in Connecticut. It's an enormous honor to be asked to be a part of something of this caliber, and even more amazing being offered by Carol herself. Man, talk about bein' psyched!
that was great John! I could tell that one dude was gonna be in trouble early on when I saw the sauce all over his face!
DEFCON Creator said:
Here's the link for the Deathmatch on Saturday. This video also outlines one of the safety protocols if you ever sit at one of these tables. Keep your fingers out of your eyes, LOL!


Good vid. Was the dude wearing the PF shirt allowed to flick water in people's eyes? I know it would probably disqualify a contestant if he did that, but what about a spectator?

You'll have to remember if Doug Widel (sp?), the guy at the end, shows up next year.
Actually, te guy was pouring water on the contestants arms, and then drinking a glass of ice water inches from their heads, it was hilarious. The girl in the red top and skirt is a Marine.