• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Neuage's Grow Log First LED Run

Day 1 - Germination


I am just starting with regular jalapeno seeds, but will start some exotics later. I'm hoping my lights are good enough to get some peppers.
Day 4 - Solo Cups





I left these germinating on top of my cable box to keep warm, but decided to put 2 of them in soil in solo cups. I mixed some lime, and 70% FFOF and 30% perlite. Don't mind the other 2 plants, they were nursery bought and transplanted.

The grow tent is approximately 18"x32"x36". Using 1 homemade COB LED.

The bigger tent has random stuff in it, but it's a 2'x2'x6'. Using 2 homemade COB LED. I'll transfer to this one once they get too tall for my small one.
Day 10 - Leaves out, won't be updating for awhile. Good luck to my plants! Will be trying something new, FFOF nutes vs Neptunes Harvest Seaweed and Fish.

Day 20 - Started off slow, but now they're taking off! Not sure if my progress is slow compared to others, but seems okay. Didn't feed any nutes yet, but on next watering I plan to feed a little.

Runescape said:
Looks like you know what you're doing...how long have u been growin peppers?
This is my first season growing peppers. I grew some long time ago, but that didn't count since I brought them home and left them outside without taking care of them. I hope the conditions are ideal for my peppers to really shine.
I have been using red/blue LEDs in addition to a solitary 3 ft sunblaster T5 and have been getting pods off all the plants currently in my small indoor greenhouse (Aji pineapple, moruga scorp, pequin). I started with the T5 and when the plants got larger, I added two cheapo LED fixtures with great success, recently added a third. Here is a link to the ones I bought: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MN79L94/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1and here is a link to the sunblaster http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AKKUNIY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
From what I read, the T5 white light helps the foliage and plant grow while the red/blue LEDs help it flower and fruit. This seems to be confirmed by how my plants reacted but anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!
You'll probably see a few pods off your plants! Looks like a pretty good indoor set up.
VirgilCane said:
I have been using red/blue LEDs in addition to a solitary 3 ft sunblaster T5 and have been getting pods off all the plants currently in my small indoor greenhouse (Aji pineapple, moruga scorp, pequin). I started with the T5 and when the plants got larger, I added two cheapo LED fixtures with great success, recently added a third. Here is a link to the ones I bought: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MN79L94/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1and here is a link to the sunblaster http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AKKUNIY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
From what I read, the T5 white light helps the foliage and plant grow while the red/blue LEDs help it flower and fruit. This seems to be confirmed by how my plants reacted but anyone can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!
You'll probably see a few pods off your plants! Looks like a pretty good indoor set up.
Dang it, 3ft is too big for my setup, but I do believe the t5 would help my foliage growth. Also, I do need a little bit of heat so probably have to implement something soon.

Aside from that, I have a serrano, thai hot, dragon cayenne, and shishito pepper in the bigger tent. The shishito has been podding up nicely. Have you gotten any fruits with your setup? I will have to watch mine to see if it fruits or loses flowers.
What are the dimensions of your setup? There are some 2ft t5s you may try. That or some whitems light leds. For heat, could try a heat pad. I have no heating on mine and have some fans for ventilation, seems to be happy. I have gotten a few pods but nothing insane. 6 or 7 brown morugas, 5 or 6 pequin and like 10 or so aji pineapple. You can find my glog on here by searching on here :) this is my first time too!
VirgilCane said:
What are the dimensions of your setup? There are some 2ft t5s you may try. That or some whitems light leds. For heat, could try a heat pad. I have no heating on mine and have some fans for ventilation, seems to be happy. I have gotten a few pods but nothing insane. 6 or 7 brown morugas, 5 or 6 pequin and like 10 or so aji pineapple. You can find my glog on here by searching on here :) this is my first time too!
Wow, good luck to you on your first grow. Getting some pods seem like a great start! I'm still waiting for some pods. I have developing flowers on my shishito right now. I turned off my exhaust in the 2x2x5 tent, to keep it warmer and it seems to be doing good. The 2ft fixture might still be a tight fit in my tent, I will consider once I upgrade.

Day 25 - Fed some FFOF (left) big bloom and Neptunes Fish and Seaweed (right) a few days ago. I think the FFOF plant was a bit better before I started feeding the nutes, but both doing great.
