New 9.6mil shu Pure Evil launching on Black Friday


eXtreme Business
:Pure Evil 9.6 will go on sale Friday Morning 29/Nov/2013:
At 9.6mil SHU, It's our hottest Pure Evil to date and is hotter than any extract on the market.  It also tastes better than extracts in that it has no taste at all.   
We're offering a discounted IPO (Initial Product Offering)  price for everyone and free shipping on all orders.....
That's right!  free shipping on US orders will be included for our regular Pure Evil Listing....and for our  friends over all the ponds.... a BlackFriday2CyberMonday special, it's free shipping on International Orders also!
This is a very rare opportunity to purchase a unique product at the best price with free shipping worldwide.
Pure Evil is NOT an extract, it's made from refined capsaicin powder.  It does not have that "unique" metallic extract taste.  Pure Evil is a food additive that will add heat to anything without changing the flavor.   
Keep watching...ordering options will be up on our website Friday morning.
just one suggestion for everyone who has/gets one of these 9.6mil SHU Pure Evil....... toothpick!   :lol:
ps- it has a really cool feature to it.  Nightshade, have you noticed it?  If you have....SSSShhhhhhh!  :shh: 
Nightshade said:
Nope haven't tried but might notice it in about 10min foods almost ready.
look at the bottle..... ;)   :shh:
Oooooohhhh that is awesome!!!!! I remember having a conversation about that too. You guys will get a kick out of the surprise... If you can find it I stared at the bottle for good 10min until I realized
;)  There you go!  Should be easier to spot in the release bottles...   :cool:
Well that is terribly hot one drop!! Made me cry lol it's great though!!!
4 bites in yeaaa lost feeling in my tongue everyone please exercise extreme caution when applying this to food it is no joke this stuff is ridiculously hot
You OK, Nightshade?  What was for dinner?
Lol perfectly fine still sweating but nothing a glass of milk can't fix. It was cheesy rice and chicken with some mushrooms. I now fully respect that stuff lol great product. Ears started to ring halfway through the meal
Oooh, ears ringing is a new one.  Sounds like a great dinner and glad you're OK.  Just enjoy that golden glow of heat.   
Hint for all, and this will be included on the InfoSheet....TOOTHPICK!!!!!!  :)
~~~~and the usual....... keep away for children and idiots~~~~~
regular price will be $89.
Intro price $69 with free shipping worldwide for this weekend.  After this weekend, international shipping will be a few dollars more. 
I am not afraid of a lot of things.

Spiders? Nah. Earthquakes? Not usually. The dark? Nah. Deep water? Nope.

However, I am looking at a little silver tin with a dropper bottle in it sitting on my table. And I am afraid. The words "9.6 mil SHU" is carefully written on the side. I am afraid. I think I might have just peed a little looking at it.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. It is pure evil.
3.7 ml/ 1/8 oz.    6x the SHU of what we're going to call the Original Pure Evil.  The Original Pure Evil will still be available.  The 9.6mil vial has a small dropper which has about 300 drops in it.  A little will go a LONG way.  
The capsaicin I use is about 5x more expensive than the extracts other companies offer and is 95% pure.  Most extracts use some kind of solvents which could include Acetone, Hexane, Ethylene Di Chloride, Methanol, or Ethanol.
I'm currently working on procuring 100% pure 16mil capsaicin which is even more expensive, about 6-7x more expensive than the high SHU extracts on the market.   

LDHS, have you even opened it yet?  Take a look at it....but SSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!  :shh:  don't tell what you see.
It's not going to bite you, well...probably not....(unless I got those wicked Jack-in-the-box things like Scovie posted a picture of...:lol: )  j/k~