New blistering addition to my plants.

Visited a local chilli festival yesterday where I was able to purchase a Dorset Naga plant from the folk at seasprings - the original creators of  the Dorset Naga. They had a stall at the festival where they were selling plants and seeds, whilst also giving lots of advice.
I was amazed at how big the plants where considering how small the pots they where in.
That little pot is what this healthy pod laden plant was growing in!! It was quite root bound but I've seen worse.

I've already removed 3 pods - 2 for gifts and 1 for a curry. Even as unripe green pods these are blistering.. packing more bite then the green naga's I normally get from my local Bengali shops.

PepperDaddler said:
Look just like mine!

Very nice! Healthy too.
I got to choose from around 20 plants on display :D I chose the plant with the healthiest looking central stem, leaves and the biggest pods. :halo:
Its good to know that others think its a healthy plant too, thank you :)
rebelgrower3 said:
Very nice I have a Dorset Naga growing but its only about 12" tall hope it looks like yours soon.
This grew this high in a 4inch pot!! Lol. It's now in a larger pot that I intend to over winter it in, next year I will put into a larger pot.

After seeing all the plants they had at the festival, and how big they where considering how small the pots where I think next year I am going to be doing some experimenting ;) :D
mlh5953 said:
Very nice!
It's indeed amazing that it looks so healthy having been in such a small pot.
Keep us posted on its progress!
I will do :) Though I'm not expecting a great amount of growth now due to the fact I'm already quite late into my growing season over here.
I've already had a few ripe pods but last couple days the plant has really got going.. 

a twin pod :D

The roots have really taken to the bigger pot over past 2 weeks and i think there has been a little growth up top too.
Looking great. Heavy producers it seems.
Looks even more like mine now. :P  Tried to get a similar pic but this is the best with an old phone:


Wish I had a twin pod. Good luck charm? :dance:
Mine looks small compared to yours, nice plant :-)

Yes I agree with the heavy fruiters - a good thing really considering the small nature if my plant.

A mutant double pod.. Could be a curse ;)