New book arrived

From the author of Teaming with Microbes.
It wasn't available on the Kindle so I had to go with a hard back copy. :(
It's good so far Mike. A bit more textbook like. Almost seems like a college course book but that's to be expected as you can't really explain the intricate inner workings of the cellular level of plants in simple terms. He does a good job but this is a complex subject as it's all microbiology. I wished I had this drive to learn this at a younger age as I might have pursued a PhD in soil science. PS My name's Michael as well. There are a lot of us aren't there? ;)
I'm very Interested in soil science and sustainability. I've been reading alot recently about uptake of nutrients and how it all really works. Like you said alot of it is pretty complex I'm trying to learn it in a way that I can understand. Watching a documentary on dirt right now actually haha! My composting and soil care has become just as enjoyable as any other process of growing. As for the name yes I've been meeting more and more michaels haha.