new chilli grower, I'm trying to plant various hot types

Hi everyone,

I'm just starting out growing chilis really, I don't really know too much about what Im doing. I have been researching online a lot, mostly watching Youtube vids. I was Googling this morning to work out how long I can leave chilis under LED lights and found a thread on here (I will go with 16hr a day from the advice, thanks :D ).

I live in the EU, somewhere thats got a nice warm summer. My friend has given me a few random chili seeds or small plants over the last year or two and some of them have done okay. I figured lets have a proper try at it, theres some other more recreational things that you're allowed to grow here so I've got some bits of growing equipment from playing around with that already.

I can't find any good hot seeds here so I had my young nephew bring me this from Amazon when he visited, we spent a couple of hours messing around planting these:
Screenshot 2025-03-09 at 15.47.39.png

We've planted 3 each of 9 of those :
WhatsApp Image 2025-03-09 at 15.50.25.jpeg

I have an 80x80cm tent with a 300w light already, right now I think the plan is to put 4 x 4 rows of pots and choose the best 16 to go in there. I've got 14 or 15 visible through the dirt now, more are appearing daily so I'll definitely have enough to choose from.

Once they outgrow that I have two options with them - I have a little shelf on the stairs to my roof terrace that is effectively like a greenhouse in protection from any periods of bad weather, rain etc. But the shelf is only 30cm wide so I'm going to be limited on pot / plant size there. I'm probably going to put 5 around that shelf in 30cm pots and another 5 outside that are risking weather exposure but can go in way larger pots.

I don't really know very much at all about what I'm doing here - but its fun trying :) I'm not sure if this choice was sensible but I've deliberately chosen really hot chillis to grow as we can't really buy them locally, either as seeds or ready to use chilis. I figured theres very little point in growing weak ones that I can pick up at the supermarket, and it'll be more interesting to see if any of the hotter ones will work here. We loved using the last lots of chillis out the freezer straight into curries etc so it would be superb if we can keep a never ending supply of those coming ourselves!
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Hey, Lee8. Looks like you're off to a great start! It's a bit surprising to see 3 baccatum varieties in a 10 variety seed sampler. They usually aren't so well represented. I'm curious which variety of the 10 didn't make the cut to the 9 that you planted.
Hey, Lee8. Looks like you're off to a great start! It's a bit surprising to see 3 baccatum varieties in a 10 variety seed sampler. They usually aren't so well represented. I'm curious which variety of the 10 didn't make the cut to the 9 that you planted.
We bought that little plastic tray from a local garden shop after he already brought the seeds over, since it was 9x3 rows we just decided to keep it easy and do 3 a row and leave out the lowest heat one entirely which was Poblano.

Unfortunately right now I'm on 0/3 for the one I really wanted - the hottest one, Carolina Reaper. im not sure if its just slower than the other or those aren't going to go at all. I just checked again now and I'm at 19/27 showing varying stages of appearing above the dirt. but 0/3 on Reaper, 0/3 on Pineapple too. The others I've got at least one of each.

I'm glad I went with the mixed seed pack thing - it was only £21 for 10 seeds each of 10 types, I've used 27 on what I've got so far and got at least 8 types of chilis to play around with, so it was definitely worth the money for what I needed :)
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I'd expect the reaper to typically take longer to germinate that the other varieties, so perhaps no reason for concern. The aji pineapple not so much, but sometimes they just take their time. Good luck!
I've just turned the light on on my little tent and threw them in there for now :
WhatsApp Image 2025-03-10 at 00.08.54.jpeg

Thats a mess inside, it's not been used in months. I've just pulled it out of storage in my shed lol. I'll properly clean it out tomorrow, I just wanted to get the little ones in somewhere a little warmed I can control temp a bit better there.

I guess I'll keep them in this tent as long as size allows (by dropping down to maybe 15x15cm pots , 16 of them) and then they'll go outside.