legal New FDA Proposal

Not sure if this was the right spot for this so please feel free to move this (I'm new here)

I would think this new labeling requirement would cost manufacturers of all food products quite a bit of time and money. Does anyone know the process for which this proposal becomes an actual regulation? I'm having a hard time finding any sort of timeline on this other than the deadline to submit comments on May 16th. Thought maybe some of the vets here could shed some light on this.

Proposal Link


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) proposes to require front-of-package nutrition labels on most foods that must bear a Nutrition Facts label. This action, if finalized, would require the display of a compact informational box containing certain nutrient information on the principal display panel. The box would provide consumers, including those who have lower nutrition knowledge, with standardized, interpretive nutrition information that can help them quickly and easily identify how foods can be part of a healthy diet. We also propose to amend certain nutrient content claim regulations to align with current nutrition science and avoid within-label inconsistencies.
Here's an overview of the Federal rule making process. If they're soliciting comments to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, there likely wouldn't be a definitive timeline at this point as they might reformulate the proposal and go through the NPR process again based on comments received or even potentially terminate it. I haven't followed the actual proposal, so I don't know any specifics involved.
The nutritional labeling doesn't apply to my business as I am below the minimum size/quantity of units to require NIPs. I call them Nutrition Information Panels (NIPs). But I do have a couple comments. Just my opinion, and doesn't mean anything-

The wording about making the mfg put the nip on the front panel of the label to "benefit consumers including those who have lower nutrition knowledge, with standardized, interpretive nutrition information that can help them quickly and easily identify how foods can be part of a healthy diet." makes no sense to me. Are they trying to force consumers to make smarter nutritional choices by putting the information front and center?

If nutrition is of interest to a consumer, they will turn the product around an look at the ingredients and the nip. I do, all the time. Doesn't mean I necessarily choose the most nutritional item. Seriously...if a person is reaching for M&M's, they ain't gonna look at the nip and if there is a panel on the front of the package, I would guess that it might deter one consumer in..... oh, I dunno.... one in 2 million? Not going to impact sales of M&M's!

Redoing all the packaging would be a 'UGE expense for all manufacturers. How many millions of packages and labels might have to be discarded? I hope this doesn't go thru. I know the government is trying to make us all be healthy, but a persons choices as to what they eat cannot be regulated. I don't see this regulation as being of any educational benefit. The information is already on the package for those who are interested in making healthier food choices.

And like Boss said, how would that even work on small items? There is no room on the airplane alcohol bottles for a panel...

(stepping off the soap box, tossing it in the trunk of the car until next time... :) )

Thanks for posting about this, ouroboros, and :welcome: to THP!

Have Fun~