pests New Garden Pest Species! Labrapepperhead!

Too funny Dr doolittle Pam.

I just counted the dog beds in our house that are exclusively for our dog (she isnt allowed on the bed or couch, so we compromised):
Lounge room: 2
Dining room: 2
Hall way: 1
Bed room: 1
Backyard: 4 shared with other dogs, but she has a favoured 2

TOTAL 10 plus several pillows, cushions and rugs. there is also a double futon which she sleeps on thru the day, or watches tv with her other human companion
Omri, I had to edit your smilies since they counted as images and put me over my limit.

Omri said:
Is that really why?

Yes, it's really why! Matilda is 75lbs, and Abigail is 45, so that's like a whole nother human in the bed, and that doesn't even count the cats.

They're so cute! cats and dogs sleeping in the same bed. :P oh yeah, and Pam too.

Both of the cats love sleeping right next to Matilda.

Fiddler with Matilda


Zoe with Matilda

Pam said:
Oh yeah, I forgot about the remote control.

I was getting ready for bed one night, was in the bathroom, on the toilet. Suddenly I heard a man's voice, and it got louder and louder, then this rap music started, and it got louder! I yanked up my britches, and dashed around the corner...and there sat Matilda, chewing on the remote control. She'd turned the TV on and was channel surfing.
I've heard the remote ontrol is a popular one but he's never touched the remote control, just everything else. Another annoying thing he does is when he lies on my feet by the computer he has a habit of stretching his big paws out and turning off the computer at the tower. Looking at the American labs the English ones seem to be stockier, but they've obviously got the same personalities.
My labra-dober-shepard doesn't eat them, but loves to do a bit of gardening. Under a pepper plant is the perfect place to hide a bone.

mongrel dog :lol:

sometimes I'll be wandering the garden & see a plant upside down...dug up & refilled with the roots sticking up. I replant them & after a week they're fine. Really are a hardy plant.
Pepp3rFreak said:
Matilda is a beautiful doggie!!:P

Yeah, she's interesting, a blue merle Labrador. There was a litter of 8 lab/Aussie mix pups at the pound when I adopted her, seven females and one male. I brought her by work after I adopted her for everyone to meet, and two grad students thought she was so pretty, they went back and adopted pups, too.

Her personality is pretty much all lab, though.
rainbowberry said:
Ah you've got a 'Bitza' dog Bent. Bits of this and bits of that :lol:

Trained killer. Rescued from the pound 5 years ago...I had to sign a release to bring her home with an infant.

You can see the savagery in her eyes.

Pepp3rFreak said:
Yes, this money has been processed through a labrador :lol:
I cleaned it off and a bank actually gave new money for it since the serial numbers were able to be read.

Ha! You're a braver man then I! I would have written the money off rather than rescue it from the poo.
All great looking dogs you all have there.Well..the puppy search is becoming a frustrating one.Seems all the GSP pup an breeders by me are all either way too high in price (700 and up and due to economy we cant pay that much)or they are too far away wrong color etc etc.But its still March so come April there should be more litters available at a lower price.Plus the 700 and up breeders, thats what they do crank out pups for profit and thats where problems start IMO.
One of the most beautiful dogs I ever knew was a Labradane. He was a black lab cross Great Dane called Pluto that had the most massive head, ears and feet that I've ever seen on a dog. He was just one over-sized Lab with the dopiest personality.
Pepp3rFreak said:
Yes, this money has been processed through a labrador :lol:I cleaned it off and a bank actually gave new money for it since the serial numbers were able to be read.

Hope you didn't tell them where u got it from! :lol:

I love Labs. Especially Black Labs. Too bad I live with a hoard of dog eaters here. :(
My Dad was looking after my old dog a few years ago and had a lodger who was Filipino and I jokingly said to my Dad "The lodger won't eat the dog will he?" and he said he didn't think it was Filipino's that ate dog. Mind you my dog was a greyhound so she probably wouldn't have been the first choice of dog to eat, not much meat :) Black labs are my favourite too.
Philipperv said:
Hope you didn't tell them where u got it from! :lol:

haha, the teller was horrified and said it looked very dirty and unclean! Hehe my faithful wife quickly said don't worry, my husband was tilling the garden and the money fell out and got ran over! Bwhaahahahahahaa nothing like dirty money to bring our the fibbing:lol:
I love Australian Shepherds; but they're definitely not the dog for everyone, very, very smart, and very very busy. I like having two dogs, I like that they can keep each other company when I'm not home, and the last mutt I had was a husky mix. Matilda was the first lab or lab cross I've ever lived with, roommates with dogs always seemed to have hyper breeds, too. I have to say that once Matilda is gone, I will certainly seek out another lab or lab mix.

I've really come to love having a dog that has an off switch, and that I don't have to worry about being smarter than me. And I love how goofy they are, and how expressive their faces are. Not that I don't still love Aussies, it's just nice to know that while the Aussie is plotting to over throw the world, somebody in the house is on my side.
Pam said:
I've really come to love having a dog that has an off switch, and that I don't have to worry about being smarter than me. And I love how goofy they are, and how expressive their faces are. Not that I don't still love Aussies, it's just nice to know that while the Aussie is plotting to over throw the world, somebody in the house is on my side.

My Bull dog wouldnt even try to make the effort However... my Staffordshire Terrier just run thru the whole lot chasing invisible squirrels and give me the Pit smile like she did something fabulous
My Lab barks at his own shadow, but when people come to the house he tries to give his best guard dog impression with all his barking and that but they only have to stroke him and he's friends, Murphy's the kind of dog that would show burglars where you kept your money :doh: