new growth after first transplant

hey guys, just curious about growth after the first transplant (mine went into solo cups). I've read posts in the forum about a period of time when the roots start taking off and then later you see more leaf development and above soil growth. any input on this?
I'm a noob and am just curious and anxious to see my plants do well. Is there a generic time frame or anything I should look for?
thx guys!
I'm running a 4 lamp t8 fixture.. the room is a little cooler than i would like due to the -45/50 with the windchill we've been having. it has been unreal cold here this winter.. soil i picked up at the local greenhouse, "sunshine all purpose planting mix", he claimed its all they use. he also said to try "plant-prod brand plant starter fert thats 10-52-10, has micro nutrients and all of that. the plants seem well, they are looking healthy and green. maybe just too anxious to see the nice looking plants i see in the forum everyday.
thanks for the reply! someday I'll get some pics up to share, get some feedback from everyone.
10-52-10?  Holy cow... :rofl:
I use 1/4 strength 3-2-6 on my first transplants in 3" cups, and that's only 2x a week out of a dropper
I noticed that annuums don't tend to slow down when I first transplant them, the chinenses have like a week lag period.
Here are mine on feb 19th

Here they are feb 25th (6days) (the 6 small ones)

Here they are today 3/3 ( 11 days)
here are some of my plant pics
i started seeing my first hooks around feb 17
on feb 22 i re potted the first 30ish plants
then on feb 26 re potted the rest. they seem to be looking ok
Due to lack of space theres no where to keep the peppers except in the furnace room and lately with the brutal winter were having it's 20°c on average which isn't that warm