New guy, lots of questions

Hi everyone, I plan on growing my own plants for next year (mostly superhots/crosses) I was wondering what is best to germinate them, what soil, a growtent? heated propagator? do I need these if I am buying a greenhouse?
Also how to use epsom salts and when, I am honestly clueless and on here there's lots that I don't understand entirely, I live in the UK and plan on using a parrafin heater in my greenhouse to overwinter any plants I want to keep.
Hi and welcome to the THP. :onfire:
Germination - Seeds from and Sea Spring Seeds have a much better germination rate and grow true, compared to other seed sellers that I have used. I germinate my seeds in an old food tub, on wet kitchen towels in the airing cupboard.
Soil - I am happy with my soil, which is just an all purpose compost. I add fish-blood-and-bone to it, as well as a little perlite - works fine for me. During the season I use liquid seaweed as fertiliser.
A greehouse would be nice because sub 10 deg temperatures kill seedlings. I found out the hard way when I put my habanero seedlings outside at the end of March, i.e. was not able to make use of the extra sunlight, thus stunting their development. So if you could keep your seedlings in a heated green house, your seedlings get more light, and you have a very good chance for a bumper harvest!
Overwintering - I have overwintered plants fine indoors fine, totally do-able. Water lighty every fortnight. Check often for pests, have neem oil on stand by!
Epsom salts -  ... Not a fan, myself! Perhaps other people on the forum could help.
Hi again ... I have answered your other questions relating to soil and light in your PM ... Magnesium Sulphate - Epsom salts used in plant magnesium deficiency. Quite simply magnesium helps support healthy leaves in particular their veins. Deficiency in magnesium is evidenced by pale yellow leaves with leaf veins remaining green and sometimes the plant remains stunted

A foliar spraying of Epsom Salts around 2 teaspoons per litre is the fastest way to get magnesium into plants and also avoids the build up of salts that soil feeding can produce if excessive nutrients are used

Hope this helps
Ok thanks guys, so this is my plan, let me know if it is OK or anything I don't need.
I plan on buying THIS and at this point I don't need light, only heat? so would I need a heated propagator? 
Then when I get two sets of leaves I should then buy a grow tent and put them under a T5 light? or should I get THIS 
Then finally put them into their final pots and in the greenhouse? and then eventually spray with epsom salts and later on use chilli focus every 2 weeks?
Do you need a heated propogator? No.
But...depending on where you live and what time you germinate it might be helpful.
Optimum germination temp is 85F. I live in Central FL so I just sow into dirt and stick outside for 3/4 of the year. If germinating inside, I've had greta success on top of the refrigerator. Others swear by the top of the cable box or the top of the water heater. Still other prefer a heating mat with a folded towel on top. 
So to aanswer your question, no you do not NEED a heated propogator.
I've used both pod starters and just recently tried rockwool cubes and everything in the rockwool has taken off faster than the soil.  Top of the fridge and everywhere else recommended seems to work fine, but I bought a cheap seedling heat mat, and the combo of the mat and the rockwool has them popping up quicker than I've experienced.  Good luck!
Ya gotta experiment and find what works for you. Some people swear by coffee filters or wet paper towels. Mlittle apparently likes rockwool cubes. I have had no luck with either, but have excellent germ rates with nothing more than potting soil in seed trays. Keep the dirt moist, not wet, not dry.

Personal preference, fox farm soil has not done me wrong.

Heat mat, I just got one to help with cloning, but I have never had a problem germinating in my house which is keep 72°F year round

Seed vendors can be reviewed in the vault here at thehotpepper.. My personal favorite is, but there are alot