New Heatseekers Chilli Range

As of Monday my new Smokey Jolokia Original and SJ 2 under the new brand of Heatseekers Chilli will be up for sale. They are in 250ml bottles (50ml bigger than the last ones) and are $11.95 each. This has been my first commercial size batch and I thoroughly enjoyed the process and the new look. You can see my photos of the sauce making process on Facebook.
Smokey Jolokia Original recipe is exactly the same but I have turned up the heat a nudge in Smokey Jolokia 2.

Our other products will be available under the Heatseekers Chilli brand soon as well once the new labels have been printed (something always runs behind!)

Up until Friday 5th I will also have available the Original Wildfire Chilli packaged Smokey Jolokias and Hot Embers as a buy one get one free offer. You can find my website in my signature.

Unfortunately I still can't work out how to embed my photos and when I do it won't allow me to post this topic so please look on my facebook page for images.

I like that it looks like some mad scientists are cooking up your hot sauce. Thats a big bottle too. Also cruized thru your website lots of very cool things. Makes me wish I lived in Australia.
lazienfat I can send overseas if anything does take your fancy.

New bottles are now up on the website, the old ones will be up till the end of the week with the buy one get one free offer.
I know, there are a few things that I fancy on the website however its the shipping to the US that kills us. Maybe with the twofer deal going on I can get somebody to split the shipping with me cause that wouldnt be a bad deal at all.
I know, there are a few things that I fancy on the website however its the shipping to the US that kills us. Maybe with the twofer deal going on I can get somebody to split the shipping with me cause that wouldnt be a bad deal at all.

Yeah I know I get that when I order from the US also, I wish shipping wasn't so bloody expensive. For seeds and light things it doesn't cost much but when you are going over 1kg its about $28 - $34.
I did have one guy in Canada order some sauce though and he loved it so much he ordered another lot and sent it to his friend.
I thought the postage would have turned him off.