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New Hickup - Prized Possesions

Want to have a gander at this? Any ideas would be appreciated! These are my prized possesions of the year. Fingers crossed!
It does appear to be more so on the older leaves as opposed ot the entire plant. This guy was so healthy looking when I brought it home. I have had it outside this past week during the day....but inside at night.
tthanks for such a quick reply. still a noob...this place is awesome....
Looks kinda like a bit of sun tan, just looks strange with the extreme photo close-up. Did they get much direct sunlight during their outdoorsy time?
MG potting mix....just double checked the bag....not potting soil. Moved to a larger pot last week, next will be in the ground. No west sun for them today. Wonder if I should flush the soil really good or repot with plain old top soil. Dammit.
It does kind of look like a tan and a little like fert burn. Strange how it's along the veins though. That suggests fert overdose to me. I'm not a fan of the slow release ferts in MG and similar fertilizers. You don't have any control. I would flush it with water and see if it starts to improve. If not then repot but don't go with plain old top soil. That stuff will turn into a brick and choke the plant. Lots of good soilless growing mediums out there that peppers just love.

Good luck.
Yea, good eye, Patrick. Here is a plant I 'tanned' last April being a little too aggressive on hardening in the sun. Very little impact on the veins.

Going outside is great, but I now start hardening with full shade, then look for the 'speckled' sunlight under the shade of a tree.

+1 on advising against pure topsoil. Either flush what you got, or move to another mix with good drainage.
Duly noted on the straight top soil. Going to give it a good flush and see how it goes. Thanks again everyone for taking the time to reply. Does look quite similar to that sunburn from last April!
As bad as mine looked, it blasted right through that condition, growing nice and healthy with Spring weather. It is fairly common--just like indoor growers who get the purple leaves from intense lighting. There will probably be a dozen or more posts about this same thing from folks as Spring hardening time gets into full swing... :cool:

Good luck with yours--some plants are ultra sensitive to nutes, so maybe the flush will be your fix.
It does kind of look like a tan and a little like fert burn. Strange how it's along the veins though. That suggests fert overdose to me. I'm not a fan of the slow release ferts in MG and similar fertilizers. You don't have any control. I would flush it with water and see if it starts to improve. If not then repot but don't go with plain old top soil. That stuff will turn into a brick and choke the plant. Lots of good soilless growing mediums out there that peppers just love.

Good luck.

I used to not like MIracle gro untill I became a better gardener then I could see their fertilizer is on of the best for the money. I add peat/perlite/lime to Miracle gro potting mix and take advantage of its heavy texture and fertilizer. But I do not use it alone.
yep...i use scotts premium potting soil with slow release ferts....its chunkier and great for roots..i put 50% of this in solo cups, then top off with promix bx. works great! and reduces amount of nutes that are being delivered to my delicate newborns. after cpl sets of true leaves form, i follow up with 1/2 strength nutes every other week.