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New leaves are lime green ?

Hey everyone I'm the rookie here with all the questions thanks for being so patient. So as I previously shared in Feb funds permitting I'm gonna germinate about 300 plants 30 strains.In the meantime I have been experimenting with germinating mediums, methods etc. From these experiments I've accumulated several plants that I can't bring myself to toss or give away even though that was the plan. They were growing very slowly and remained with just their seed leaves like forever, I had em under T12's. Since then I scored 4 sets of T5's HO 4x2 1/2 ft fixtures with 4100 kelvin bulbs for $150. Right away the plants took off!!, growing leaves over night all of them.Yet on all of them it seems that the leaves except the seed leaves ate a lime green color not dark free like the seed leaves. They look healthy and happy otherwise and are growing any idea what gives?

How do I get photos from Photobucket to this link?
Hi mate , it took me a short while to work out how to get pic uploaded, what you need to do is first click on your album , put the mouse curser on the pic you wanto post till you see 4 small text boxes then click on the one that says IMG Code.
Then when you click it you will see it says copied then all you do is right click on your post here in THP and paste it , its that simple then when you have finished posting all your pic click save down the bottom. you are limited to how many pics
you can post at the one time but , Good luck i hope this helps you out mate.
i have the photobucket app for android. i open the app and select the photo i want to use, hit menu and select "view links" and i "copy" the "IMG" link then open the internet and reply to a topic and paste the copied links into an open area
I hope this is a pic * fingers crossed *


Here's another see the new leaves color? These plants weren't growing at all until my T5's this is 48 hrs later


Remember these plants are part of some germination experiments This one is a mutt, seeds saved from a plant that was sold as a Bhut Jolokia but did not grow into one : ( but are the perfect seeds to experiment with
I see nothing wrong with the new growth, new growth are usually lighter in colour. Give it a few days and it will be the same color as the rest.
Thats completely normal.................yellow would be a problem, in that case most likely overwatering

Have you applied any nutrients yet?

Above all don't panic. That's how you'll mess something up. Lime green leaves on new growth is totally normal so wait until significant discoloration happens before you go fiddling around. Cotyledons are very different from normal growth as well so don't let them be a color swatch for healthy growth :)
Yea thanks they already look better but the Infinitys are small and slow compared to the Butch T and Habie. I have them some Peters 20/20/20 but want to use something different like maybe Alaska Fish at this stage they just need Nitrogen right? Oh I also worked some bonemeal into the soil and have watered once with a 1 tbsp Epsom Salt to a gallon of water mixture. I'm a rookie so any suggestions are welcome