new leaves are shrinked and folded

I have a small plant is a pot and it seems that its new leaves are folded or something.
I attach the images




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Any idea what cause the problem?
Thank you.
Looks like you are growing in coco? If so what nutrients and how often? How often are you watering? I grow in coco and if I let it get too dry or not enough nutrients my leaves curl upwards like that. Coco also binds up calcium so you may want to add some cal mag to your regime. The leaves look a little pale to me and no burn, if it were me I would up the fertilizer amount.
I do not think its coco, its just normal garden soil.
I water when it gets dry. I used fertilizer a week ago, and once in two week ( liquid 6-6-8 )  
The color and little fibers in it make me think its coco coir. What is the fert brand?
If it
If it is indeed coco you will need to fert with every watering and a stronger dose since coco really has no nutrients. I treat coco like its almost hydro. Do you have the bag of soil still?
Well the soil definetly has a lot of coco by the looks of it and the bag confirms its in there, not sure on the nutes in soil since it doesnt say, but coco doesn't hold nutrients very long and can lock up Ca and Mg. The fertilizer I cannot read the language. You most likely need to add more calcium if it is not in good supply in the fertilizer. If it is in the fertilizer then you can try feeding more often or a stronger dose. I've found when leaves are doing what yours are doing its usually either a deficiency, heat stress (don't think thats your case), ph probs in soil (usually much too high), or over/under watering.

My bet is it needs more calcium or fertilizer in general due to the coco coir in your mix.