New Pepper, New Name, and Trademark

So have been screwing with a cross for a while now.  It is not the hottest, it is not the tastiest, and I crossed it and have been growing it out for the name sake alone.  Nothing to write home about, making no spectacular claims.

What I want it for is to have a name sake for a Chili Festival for my local town.  Want to trademark the thing's name and then let anyone use the name who grows the thing within certain zip codes.  But figure I gotta secure the name before I start talking about it.

Again, it is nothing special.  Just a tool to get the local city interested in hosting a chili festival.

Does anyone have experience with registering trademarks?
Dulac, I am sure there are reasons for people who come up with something really spiffy and dont want others to steal their thunder.  I just kind of want to stimulate the tiny little town down the way into having a chili festival.  Figure if I give them a pepper named after the town, they might take the bait.  You know, like Campaign.
Don't need to patent it, just give it a name. There's a site called jungle rain ( that is selling something called Hawaiian Beach Pepper.
Now I've been going to beaches in Hawaii my entire life and have never seen or heard of such a pepper but that doesn't stop them from selling it. Somebody probably found it growing in the yard of a vacation beach rental and decided to give it a name.
Hell, I tell all my friends that since Habanero's are named because they were believed to originate from Havana, I can call the ones I grow Hawaiianero peppers.
It's complete BS and anybody that knows peppers can see that right off but it makes for a good handle on THP ;)
Think about it, you could have the next Waddynero, or Waddyruga, or even a Weaper. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OK I'm just screwing around now but my point is, unless you plan on dishing out a lot of money, you might as well have fun with what you got but also offer up full disclosure in that it's really a cross between x and y and you are calling it xyz.
Hawaiianero, right on the money that I do not think it is all that special.  Kind of like Champagne.  No secret to making a sparkling wine.  Dont care who recreates it.  Dont imagine anyone would care to.  But think it would be real fun to have a pepper named after the town cause the place is so very, very, very small.  Seriously, I am not sure there are three businesses there counting the post office.

Scuba Steve, thank you.  Yep, have blown a lot more money on a lot of other dumb things. This dumb thing is so dumb I think I will have T shirts made.  Its even dumber than my Nagaland Head Hunting Club idea.
A lot of people live in small towns because they like it that way. Besides that, I really don't think that a pepper named after a town or a community is gonna put them back on the map.
Jamison, uh ye that is why I live here.  Actually, I dont.  It is just on my mailing address.  I wouldnt live in a small town cause it is just too damn big for me.  Any town.  Not trying to put a town on a map.  Thought it would be a fun thing to do.  Why everyone think I have some hidden agenda?  Guy, get naked and roll around in snow just because.

Have you seen the TV show Norther Exposure?  This here pepper named after a town and a chili festival is like the Running of the Bulls.  Just plain fun.

P.S. - Oh and now that I think about it, the pepper should be a secret.  A closely guarded secret that only citizens of Waddy, KY know and will die before they share.  Yes, they fain ignorance, but that is how steadfast their dedication to protecting the thousand year old secrets of the Waddy something pepper.

P.S.S. - something something something, Native American secret, something about a princess and something something something, love story something.  Yey pepper.
Scuba_Steve said:
I don't see the issue with him wanting to trademark.  Its not like it costs thousands of dollars, and even if it did it is his money to burn as he pleases.
I'm sure all of us have blown $170 on something we really didn't need just because we wanted it.
There is just no way to put a price on some things :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
