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New plugs flowering within 8 days of receipt

I thought I'd grow some hot ones for interest. My first year in UK.
So I ordered plugs, received them a couple of days later looking very healthy.
Potted them into cocoa/compost, Perlite and grit with some added Mag. Sulphate.
About 8 days on I noticed flowers forming.
The plants are only 14 cms high.
Does anyone else think they were grown under lights with little dark time and natural light has fooled them to thinking it's flowering time?
The Company will not discuss their growing methods so I don't know for sure.
Anyway, I've pinched them out as they didn't answer that question either.
Any comments please?
I don't think so. There were healthy white roots coming through the mesh plugs.Although the mesh on some was a little green.
It was 4 or 5 of the 8 (so far) and I noticed them all on the same day.
Scorchio said:
Does anyone else think they were grown under lights with little dark time and natural light has fooled them to thinking it's flowering time?
I definitely don't think it's this.
Stress can cause flowering.  It's a common trick with fruit trees, to beat them with sticks (about the trunk) to get them to flower early.  Your case may be a combination of transport and transplant shock.  It's really nothing to worry about.  Most flowers wouldn't survive at that size, anyway.
So quite likely stress then. Next year I'll grow from seed I think. But if it's no big deal, I won't fret.
Awaiting a ph kit and I'll get this all dialed in eventually.
All I need is some Sunshine now.
At only 7" high I'd pinch the flowers off and let the plant grow more before it starts flowering more. 
edit: sorry just read you'd already pinched the flowers.  :)
Hi, Yes but thanks. Asked supplier and got no answer so just did it. Hope they settle into growth now for a while.
Thanks again.