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hot-sauce New slew of RocketMan Sauces!!!

Thankfully enough RM enjoys sending me stuff in the mail, so I get to experience all these goodies.

This package last came with the following

That Green Stuff
The Captains Sauce
Dragons Blood
Jamaica Me Hot Sauce
and another bottle of Habapeno, only this one looks a lot more reddish than my last one, although maybe because my last one is like a month old and almost gone

So lets start some reviews

Note: My heat scale rating does not include extract sauces. If I am reviewing an extract sauce, its gonna be hot, thats a given, its an extract.

Rocketmans That Green Stuff

Burnt copper in color, small small chunks and at room temperature a medium thickness to it

Smell: I know this might seem weird, but to me it smells like Chef Boyaredee ravioli, and I do not mean that in a bad way by any means, in fact im kind of intrigued by it. Big garlic on the nose, subtle grilled pepper smell, and I really dont get much of the onion at all.

Taste: Serrano is very dominant in this at the beginning, lingering off into garlic heaven. This sauce is like eating a stuffed green pepper your mom would make, but with the kick dad would enjoy. I am kind of getting a cumin and smoked paprika flavor in there, which might be some of the "spices".

Overall: I got this sauce a week ago, and I am already a quarter of the way through the bottle. I can eat this on everything, omlettes, wings, and turkey sammiches so far.

Heat would rate a 5/10. Its nowhere near the level of most of his other stuff, yet its no mild either.

This might be right next to Habapeno on my like factor right up at the top.

Jamaica Me Hot Sauce:

Red Habanero
Sweet Potato

Appearance: A darker tint of yellow, with little tiny red specs from the hab I am assuming. A little thinner than That Green Stuff.

Smell: Abundance of raisins and pineapple, he wasnt lying there. Mild pepper smell, although I am sure the pineapple is masking the citrus of the pepper. Medium levels of onion and sweet potato. This almost reminds of of like a pineapple upside down cake covered in candied raisins if you can picture what that would smell like.

Taste: Instant raisins galore. Fruityness of the pineapple is prevalent but nowhere overwhelming. I cant believe how much of the sweet potato you can taste too, and I am really liking that aspect.

Heat is sitting at a 7/10. Definitely habs in there, but not on the level of his Iniquity or 90 Minute IPA sauces in my opinion

Overall: This is a sauce meant to be used on exactly what it is called, Jamaican or Caribbean style foods. Although I wouldn't be reluctant to try it on multiple things across the board.

Right now I kind of want to make a ham sammich with melted cheese and bacon and a slice of pineapple and just smother it in this stuff. Nice job RM.

The Captains Sauce

Captain Morgans rum
Orange and Orange zest
sweet onion
lime juice
white vinegar

Appearance: Bright yellow, no specs, no flakes, no nothing, almost like a yellow puree. Very thin consistency, but not approaching Tabasco or Texas Pete thin. I do like the picture of The Captain on the front with a little RocketMan on his shoulder instead of the parrot

Smell: Wow vanilla and tropical fruit. No pepper smell, very sweet on the nose, and very apparent there is rum involved. Smells very inconspicuous as a hot sauce.

Taste: EXACTLY how it smells, plus the heat. Heat is a builder for some reason, or maybe its because I am reviewing all of these sauces one right after the other. Huge notes of vanilla and tropical fruit. The sweet potato is there in the background, but only as an additive to the array of other things going on.

Heat is a 6/10

Overall this stuff is very very creative. Give me a margherita, a plate full of jerked dry rubbed shrimpies, and a bottle of this to dip em in, and I would be in heaven.

Dragons Blood

Plum Puree
Raspberry Puree
Dark Choclate
Balslamic Vinegar

Now I was skeptical on this one, because I am not a dessert fan WHATSOEVER, and this being a desset sauce I was like "ehhhhh maybe..."

Appearance: Take a Hersheys bar, melt it in a sauce pan, pour it into a bottle, thats what this looks like. Super super thick, to the point where I had to get out a bamboo skewer to get it out of the bottle. I could have probably heated it up in the microwave, which isnt a bad idea if I wanted to toss it on some ice cream.

Smell: I no longer fear this sauce. I am in love. It is like I am reviewing a barleywine. Dark currants on the nose, with a combination of black cherries, raspberries, and plums. More nougat smelling than straight chocolate.

Taste: To take a page from another member on here, Holy Crap. Explosion of raspberry, followed not far behind by the plum and currant flavors. Chocolate is that the beginning and then lingers out leaving a finish of fruits and a touch of peppers.

Heat is a 4/10, which is no more than I would want on any dessert if I actually ate them.

This stuff is unique and amazing. I haven't decided what I am going to do with it, but it might be going on crepes sometime very soon.

Thanks RM for sending me all these goodies.
It was my pleasure Wheebz and I'm glad you liked the sauces. Thank you for the great reviews. Looking forward to see how you use them.
