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New to growing "super hots"

Hey everyone,
Though I like spicy peppers, I have never tried to grow a "super hot" such as ghosts, or butch T. However, I have some seeds from both varieties on their way to me, and was wondering...

#1. Is it to late to start these seeds indoors even though I live in the northeast and won't set plants in garden until late may or early june

#2 anybody have tips or tactics to make my first try a success.

Thanks for any help I can get!!!

1. I'd say its too late to start super-hot, better to start them in January or February. Maybe try to find a nursery with seedlings

2. Lots of reading to do. Any specific questions?
If you start them ASAP I think you might be able to get a small to moderate harvest in. Should be about 6 months until the frosts start there? You could also order some plants from cross country nurseries or thechilewoman.com if you can't find much locally.
Get after it!! You have plenty of warm summer sunshine from June - September! Feed them and water them correctly and you should have a decent harvest.
Thanks everyone. I ended up chatting with a couple people last night and got some valuable tips. I should be getting my butch T and bhut seeds monday or tuesday and will start them right away. I'm hoping that with the right temp and lighting as well as good soil and fertilizer I should get some decent pods by fall. Besides, I still have at least 8 weeks before I even think of putting them in the ground, so hopefully I get some healthy plants to do that with.
I still have at least 8 weeks before I even think of putting them in the ground, so hopefully I get some healthy plants to do that with.

Forget putting them in the ground in 8 weeks, just keep them in pots over winter nice & warm & then plant them out in spring.

Im doing the same as you & ive left it real late in the year to germinate bhut they are,, just.

These super hots are real slow to germinate so you may want to speed up the process by various methods posted on this forum, then when they sprout in possibly 4 weeks (if your lucky) pot them & keep them safe & warm in a sunny spot.

Bhuts can,,,,take months to sprout from experience.

Good luck.

Hey Everyone, soaked and started my bhut and butchT seeds today. I've got them in a burpee self watering greenhouse with a grow mat under them. Been taking soil temps at random times and it seems like I'm maintaining between 77-81degrees. Is this a decent range or should I try and get them warmer?
You could go a tad warmer, mine sprouted on a real warm weekend, but search "cooked seeds" plenty have done this.

My mistake with these seeds was thinking they would sprout up in days, ive since learned to be patient with them.

If you can maintain 85F that's about optimum. DON'T go any higher.

You may not get many pods this season but putting a years experience under your belt is money in the bank.

Best of luck to you and welcome to the wonderful world of growing peppers.