New to the forum

Hi guys,

I'm new to both the forum and growing hot chilli's but I recently purchased some small plants from a local bunnings here in Australia, I purchased a scotch bonnet, a Zimbabwe bird, a cayenne and a Thai red.

I've planted them in the ground outside and they seem to be doing well, the temps here in Perth are still reaching mid - high 30's (Celsius) and I've been watering the plants daily as when I get home at the end of each day the leaves have wilted and they look a bit sorry for themselves.

They perk back up a couple of hours after I've watered them but my question is should I keep watering daily whilst the temps are getting that high or should I cut back on the watering?

Apologies if this has been asked a million times before but I'm a complete novice at growing hot chilli's and any help would be appreciated.

Hey hey, nice to see you posting! First of all, welcome! Second of all, do your plants get full sun? If so, then with temps in the 30s you might want to add some shade some how, perhaps shade cloth?  Also since they are in the ground, it's recommended you water deep and less often; this will promote deeper roots as the plant reaches down for moisture. The deeper the roots go, the cooler they will be :-)
You'll have to find a balance between sun/shade/water in the mean time while they are getting established. Good luck!
Hey filmost thanks for the advice, the plants get full sun at the moment but in the week they have been in the ground they seem to be hardening off a bit.

I do have some shade cloth that I can put up but hopefully the temps should start dropping off a little soon, I'll keep an eye on them.

I'll be sure to water deeper and less often, I've also used richgro organic tomato and herb fertiliser, it's a slow release but is there anything else I could add to help the plants?