marketing-promo New York City Hot Sauce Expo - Merchant Lottery?

First, gotta say just looked at the event and wow.  Had no clue things were this big.  It is absolutely amazing that something like this can take place.  Must be lots and lots of hot sauce fans out there willing to pay their ten bucks to sample and show.

I have read a few merchants have been booted due to some sort of lottery system.  Jersey Barnfire Hot Sauce and Bonfatto's Wing Sauce were specifically mentioned.  Kind of confusing.  At arts and craft shows, there is usually a jury system to get in.  You gotta be the best candidate for your category.  That way you can fill the venue with only the best.

Are hot sauce conventions not that way?
They have this fiery food show here in Albuquerque, every year. Big doesn't mean better. We are already in the place for the best info on anything Chile related. Chile shows I don't attend, already know who the best in show are. Don't need to pays 20 bucks to get into a door.
i don't know all of the insider info other than the NY Expo has limited booths and they had more vendor applications than spaces available.  Throw the names in a hat and there ya go~ That's who gets a booth. 
I was not an applicant this year and do not have a pony in the race.  I've seen some posts.  Seems like as fair of a process as they could do to allocate the limited spaces available. 
PS- most other LARGE hot sauce conventions aren't booked up to the point where they have to have lotteries or judging systems to be accepted as a vendor.  I've attended the one in DFW and the one in NM.  Neither had a jury for vendor selection , and both of those large shows had other non-related vendor booths.  Time shares, BathFitter, etc.... At one event, the booth next to us No-Showed, so we and the next booth over spread out to fill the space.
We went to the LA show and the Portland show put on by High River Entertainment.  First year shows, and I think they went pretty good for a first year show.  We weren't able to attend last year, but hope to work it out for this coming summer.  Steve Seabury is a good event producer.  And all the booths were Spicy!!!!  No bath tubs in sight~
Salsalady, again I dont know a thing about hot sauce shows.  Might be different.  When art / craft shows are not judged to get in, the junk that gets in is unreal.  Nothing against typical fair resale stuff, but to allow that stuff in and call it an arts or craft show is just misleading.  Maybe I am too prideful, but I dont like setting up a booth with handmade knives next to a booth that sells sunglasses and glow sticks from China.
It's professionally run and very well organized, the lottery for overflow entrants is fair.
AJ Drew said:
Salsalady, again I dont know a thing about hot sauce shows.  Might be different.  When art / craft shows are not judged to get in, the junk that gets in is unreal.  Nothing against typical fair resale stuff, but to allow that stuff in and call it an arts or craft show is just misleading.  Maybe I am too prideful, but I dont like setting up a booth with handmade knives next to a booth that sells sunglasses and glow sticks from China.
AJ- it's comparing apples to oranges.  The High River shows are small.  Like 40-50 vendors.  NY, LA, PDX and AZ.  They run a totally different show than other hot sauce shows and not even remotely like what you describe.  It's not the 1500 vendor Holiday Bazaar or large "hot sauce" event where anything goes...
I've seen the same thing you talk about at our tiny little Methow Valley holiday bazaars at which most vendors are local artisans.  And there's still a reseller with the tins of caramel popcorn wrapped in cellophane with a bright ribbon.... :rolleyes:  ....
in fairness to the local holiday bazaar, it does not promote itself as a "local only" or "handcrafted only gifts" event, so they do have the choice to allow whatever sellers they want.  Since it is a benefit for the community center, I'm sure they are more interested in filling the vendor tables than worrying about jurying products.

Yes, I was lucky enough to vend there for my first year in business last year. It was an amazing time, but this year to keep things fair they did a lottery. I wasnt picked unfortunately and there were a number of good companies that werent picked either, but the lottery is really the only way to keep it fair I suppose, or have two expos closer in date? Im sure theyre time consuming and difficult to put together.