• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Newbie bpiela Glog - skipped right to the pods on the plants

Hello all,
This year is my first real hot pepper grow where I started most of my plants from seeds.  I did run into a number of issues that slowed the growth of my plants.  For starters, I tried to overwinter some Ghost Peppers and some Habaneros that I had purchased online.  All of my OW's died.  Lucky me, along with bringing in the OW's, I also brought in aphids.  The aphids hit my seedlings hard.  I tried Neem and it didn't work so well.  I eventually put some netting up and purchased some ladybugs.  They were awesome and took care of the aphids in National Geographic fashion.  Eventually, the ladybugs all passed away.  Not sure where all the ladybug carcasses went...  :eek:   Next, it seemed like fungus gnats became an issue.  Combo that with a bunch of other mistakes like leaving the heat mat on too long, sun burning the plants while attempting to harden them, etc, I didn't have the best overall "seed becoming a healthy plant" ratio.  Who would guess that a good 25% of my plants I didn't label fast enough and forgot what they were.  Ugh.
Anyways, it is the beginning of August and I am finally getting to pick some ripe peppers.  I know these plants aren't filled with pods but I am excited just the same. 
For starters, I will start with a few pics of plants that I purchased.  Here is a Serrano.  I have gotten a few off of this plant already.  None have turned red.  The picture of the plant showed green serranos.  I don't know if all types of Serrano are supposed to turn red or not.  Perhaps I will leave these on the plant for a few more weeks.


Next is a pic of a 7 Pot Bubblegum plant I purchased from Refining Fire Chiles.  A couple of nice pods there.  I also bought seeds from Buckeye and germinated two plants.  No pods set on those yet.


Aji Amarillos from RFC. I purchased 6 different plants from them and all are doing well.


Now to the stuff I have grown from seeds. Here are a couple of pods of Fatalii Jigsaw Gourmet. Not the best picture but you can see the pods are huge.


And a Fatalli White from Fatalii.net as well.


Here is a pic of an unlabeled plant. I think it is a Pumpkin Habanero from Pepper Joes. Or it could be a Scotch Bonnet.


From the same plant, I had picked this ripe one. Looks like a Pumpkin Hab should, I guess.


Well, thanks for looking. I plan on posting more pics as the plants produce more peppers. I do have a bunch of unlabeled Habaneros that I really do not know what they are since I didn't plant any standard Golden Hab seeds. This forum has been so tremendously helpful. I look forward to attempting another round of Over Winters this year. Hopefully I will have better luck.
Nice job. Plants look good and I am sure you will learn from your setbacks. Fortunately, in my opinion, the weather has been pretty good for us this year.
Good stuff, every season is a learning experience. Wait on those Serrano's they'll turn color for ya
Looks like you got a heck of a grow going so far. Nice job and good luck :)
Good and bad updates today. Let me start with the good. I picked three peppers today, 2 of the Pumpkin Habanero type and one of the unlabeled variety. Looks like a Red Hab of some kind.


Next, I have my first (and second) Trinidad Scorpion. Woot!


I have a couple of pods growing on my Pasillo Bajio plant. Those seeds are from PepperJoe.


And a couple of Bhut Jolokia's that I won't post the picture of because it is too blurry. They look good!

Now, onto the bad. I have some peppers that have dropped. They seem to be rotting. Any thoughts on what I can do to save my other peppers?


I also lost or am losing a couple of plants. They are amongst the other plants so I don't know why these did not do well. I have 2 pictures. First, is a Pepper Fish plant that is yellowing and drooping. Second is an unlabeled Habanero plant that is starting to yellow. I also have a Caribbean Red that just lost its leaves and died. One other plant, a fatally of some kind, lost its flowers and will probably not fruit this season. The plant seems strong, however. I have hit the plants up with Epsom salts recently as well as Hydrogen Peroxide. I do not know what is happening to these plants. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.



Picked some good stuff today. First fataliis. 2 White Fatalii's and one Gourmet. Also, 2 more Pumpkin Habs and 2 Red Habs. I think the Red Habs are Tazmanian Habs, seeds from Pepper Joe. A couple of Serrano, couple Yatsufusa and a small pile of orange Habs. Overall, pretty good for me. Below is my Pasilla Bajio that I am early waiting to pick.

