Newbie Grower

I recently decided to pursue pepper growing as a bit more than a light hobby. I have yet to harvest from my (admittedly small) collection of plants, but we all have to start somewhere!
1x Poblano
1x Red Habanero
1x Purple Coffee
1x Red Scorpion
I was planning on drying most of the peppers I get from them, and using a few for chilis, salsas, etc.
Does anyone have another neat way I can use them? Also, are you able to harvest seeds from peppers regardless of usage, or do you need to specifically prepare them to harvest seeds? :think:
after you dry them to the point they are crispy, put em in a coffee grinder OR use a mortar and pestle to powder them and use that the same way you would cayenne powder. another neat thing you can do is pickle them, or you can make em into a sauce. 
Yeah, our neighbor makes a pickled cauliflower with banana peppers, was thinking about that. What are some recommended ways to dry peppers? I heard that using a paper bag was an okay way, but is there anything more reliable?
 You can buy a cheap dehydrator and set it on it's lowest setting. When you can crumble the pods up in your fingers you know they are done. 
yeah i agree with the above post.. I would take your fresh pods cut them in half to avoid molding on the inside.
Since i'm in phoenix and we have very low humidity and high temperatures,  I dry them outside in a few hours.
A coffee grinder works very well to  crush the  dried pods into powder.
If you like a smokey flavor,  do a slow smoke on the grill before you dehydrate them to add that flavor
Please note that most heat treatments  grill or dehydrator will reduce the chances for seed germination  so remove them early and dry them separately.
Just my 2 cents..
roasted Poblanos are good in chili verde or rellenos. roast them peel off the charred skin and freeze until ready for use.
:o I would probably have dehydrated then whole...

Does splitting them for seeds before using a dehydrator increase the chance of mold? But if I use a natural drying method I should keep them whole?