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indoor Newbie indoor starter system

Hi everyone.

I am new to growing peppers in Central IL. In TX I never needed (or at least I didn't know I needed) to start pepper plants inside, so I don't know ANYTHING about how to start them now. What is the basic equipment I will need other than pots, soil, plants? What kind of lights, etc.? I am going to be growing just a few plants - maybe a dozen, so don't need too much, I hope.

For the basics, and the least expensive, I bought 2 bulb T-12 Florescent shop lights and put the Daylight bulbs in them...All purchased at WalMart. You want the lights to be as close to the plants as possible, so you will need some sort of shelf that you can hang the lights from. Other than that, not much is needed.
chambersuac said:
Hi everyone.

What is the basic equipment I will need other than pots, soil, plants? What kind of lights, etc.?


Welcome to the forum

To answer your question, you need to use the Search function of this forum. Dozens of threads, hundreds of posts.

This is my first year starting peppers from seed. Other than pots, seed, etc... Yeah, basically, light and heat. I also use a 2 bulb 4' florescent shop light. Keep it really close...within a couple of inches if possible. Depending on where you have them, you may need some heat as well. My basement is a bit on the cool side, and this makes seed germination very slow and the plants don't grow all that fast.

Other than that, time...I am getting antsy / nervous about some of my most recent seedlings (I have 5 that have just pushed through in the past couple of days), hoping they will be far enough along to produce.

Also, it's worth noting that you can get Japs, Serrano, Cayennes, etc.. locally and they have no problems producing. I would only really be worried about the ones that take a long time to fruit / ripen.