pests Newbie needs some help please? is this a pest?

Hi guys - after some advice please? I did have a look at the pest guide but couldn't find an answer so not sure if this has been caused by a pest or not?
crud, can't figure out how to attach a picture! :neutral:  ok i'll try my best to describe...on 2 of the leaves on my 1st chilli plant (basket of fire) there are like track marks that look like a worm, anyone know what's caused this please??
bubba82 said:
Hi guys - after some advice please? I did have a look at the pest guide but couldn't find an answer so not sure if this has been caused by a pest or not?
crud, can't figure out how to attach a picture! :neutral:  ok i'll try my best to describe...on 2 of the leaves on my 1st chilli plant (basket of fire) there are like track marks that look like a worm, anyone know what's caused this please??
Does it look like this?
How large are your plants? The damage is almost purely cosmetic anyway, and if you pull too many leaves on small plants you can push back the time to maturity a good bit. The adult flies lay eggs under the surface of the leaf, so pulling leaves only slows the inevitable tide. If you really don't like them from an aesthetic standpoint, I have heard spinosad can help.
suchen said:
How large are your plants? The damage is almost purely cosmetic anyway, and if you pull too many leaves on small plants you can push back the time to maturity a good bit. The adult flies lay eggs under the surface of the leaf, so pulling leaves only slows the inevitable tide. If you really don't like them from an aesthetic standpoint, I have heard spinosad can help.
it was only 2 leaves and the ones i was going to prune off anyway, the plant is about 3 months old but has the 1st start of flower buds on, don't know how mature that makes it?
What I mean is, if you are only pulling 2 leaves out of 100 then it is no big deal. However if the plant has only 10 leaves and you are pulling 2 off that is around 20% of your photosynthesis capability. This will slow down growth. I am glad in your case that those leaves are ready to be trimmed anyway.