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newby question please =are these flower buds?

Bought these Thai seedlings March 15 as a six pack at local nursery. They have gotten strong and about 8 inches tall. Sorry about slightly out of focus pics. I guess could be leaves about to come. I do see a splash of white within the clustered ball that looks like a bud. There are several of them. Seperate little "buds", but close together.


If they are buds it is to early and they should be pinched off, right?



That's way too blurry to tell. But if it looks like a little ball on a stem, then yes it is a bud.
Here's an image for reference.
And yes, pinch if they are buds - your plants are too small at this point. Pinching the buds isn't always necessary - often they will just fall off - but it's easier to pinch now than if a pod does start to form. No, it's not difficult physically to pinch off a forming pod, we just tend to grow a bit attached to these little growing things.  ;)
filmost said:
That's way too blurry to tell. But if it looks like a little ball on a stem, then yes it is a bud.
Here's an image for reference.

Yep, thanks! Gonna pinch.
Why pinch them off?  The plant has started flowering and will continue to do so until it enters dormancy.  Just fertillise it nicely and it will continue to grow and produce a bumper crop.  Bonus: you get some sample way before the main crop is ready.
I tend not to pinch, as it seems the plants know they're too young to support fruit up to a point. But some are more stubborn than others, and those I pinch. Why? A plant tends to throw all of its energy (or at least, most of it) into one thing at a time. First it focuses on the foundation - the roots - then the part above soil. If you let pods form, it will put its effort into the pods and not to plant growth. Plant growth is preferred up to a point from a production perspective. Pods only form at  the joints of branches - fewer branches means fewer pods. So if the plant isn't dropping buds/flowers before a pod can form and the plant is very young, it won't get big and so won't produce many pods. Make sense?