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NFT Rockwool Advice

Today I have bought an NFT system and removed two plants from compost that were due a re-pot from 9cm pots.

Got most of the compost off and one plant was started in a jiffy and the other in a peat fibre pot. So I have washed as much compost off as possible and they have been placed in 3" rockwool cubes and placed into the system.

After setting up I read the book (wrong way I know) and read that the cubes shouldnt have been put onto the table until they started to sprout? Also it said after they had sprouted, put the plants in and you should run the system for 48h with just water?

Using flora 3 part and the card thingy says 7ml of each per 10litres so ive put 10 of each in for the minute and will top up if I need to.

I also soaked the rockwool cubes for half an hour in ph 6.5 water to help neutralise them before squeezing out.

Any advice or anything ive done wrong?

I've always pre-soak my rockwool in pH 5.5 as recommended, and I don't think you are really supposed to squeeze the water out, just let it drain with gravity.
thanks potawie.

Well it seems to be running at a stable ph of 6.2 at the minute so all is good.

As for transplanting jiffy pellets into rockwool and then straight into the system, is that the right thing to do?

I have removed some rockwool so there is a hole that runs all the way through so the roots are near enough touching the spreader mat.
