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No green thumb this year so far :(

Well I have so many things going on since I was forced to move my video game store I own and I have fumbled this year on getting plants to start well. Many of my plants didn't even sprout yet or they look so pitifully weak I am gonna have to probably buy some plants from the nurseries this year. Which means other than my 3 yr old Naga and 5 yr old Jalabanero, no real special plants this year :(

Anyone else having a hard time this year?

Still not quite as bad as my first year growing from seed, 48 plants died due to a very late frost!

On a happier note, my Jalabanero plant has about 30 buds starting on it already!
Well with the rain coming and going here in cali I haven't been able to get any of my plants outside yet. Since I grow out my new plants inside for at least 6 weeks to give them a head start I have tons of plants, but because they grow so fast under the MH i'm quickly running out of room and haven't been able to plant them in larger containers yet. Hopefully I'll get to them this weekend.
The weather here has been a roller coaster and has sent early sets into survival mode. Last Tuesday had a low of 42F, followed by heavy winds the next several days, 3" of rain yesterday and tomorrow is supposed to hit 92F. Hopefully Mother Nature will settle down soon.
I'm in the hills of S. Calif, and weather has been a bit wacky this year. I'm only using natural light, so out in the sun in Jan & Feb scorched the plants. Hard to believe sun could be so intense so early in the year. So I lost quiet a few from that. But the nights have been cold, often between 37 - 43f so I had to bring them in, even in April. When the sun wasn't shining, its was fairly cold during the day, so they weren't getting the heat they wanted. I have been leaving them out of late when night forecast is 50 or above, but sometimes they LIE and temps hit low 40's.

To make a pathetic story short, All my plants are 6-8 inches behind schedule. I planted a bunch of my weird red hab crosses because they grow pretty fast, so hoping to salvage something from this season. Also picked up a dozen Scorpion plants from Chileplants.com, which are beautiful. (Since I'm the only one in my circles who eats the hot ones, I should have made my life simple and bought the plants right from the start :rolleyes: )

Next year without a doubt I'm getting a shelf & light setup enclosed in foil or white board.
well, there's a heatwave here in where i live and its killing all of my pepper plants, i brought some in but i fear its too late.

so yeah, not really a good year for me.
^ Just like kddc, we're having a heat wave that is unrelenting. Almost 60 days of 37c (99f) or higher 39c (102f). While I haven't lost any plants yet (knock on wood) they aren't exactly breaking any records for growth. Good luck.
I am having a horrific germination year and have almost reverted to voodoo.
I have tried soaking seeds, paper towel and baggie germination on a heater pad, I have tried soaking and peat pellets, I have tried soaking and a coir puck, I have tried the asparin thing and picked a bunch of willow branches and half a containers of willow soaking in jars to make a tea. Hydrogen peroxide, yep, have a potion of that made up as well.I have lost scores of seeds this year for whateever reason, things that should work just aren't producing.
Except for the weed, the weed of peppers the Fresno, I have so many of them and they are still popping up like chickweed.