Noob garden with peppers.

Im growing habanero peppers, cherry bell peppers, and bell peppers in my garden. I have never grown peppers or even anything in a garden before this year. I really don't know what im doing and I cant even tell what plant is what. I didn't mark the peppers and I don't know how to prune them or anything.
I have pruned them like tomatoes took all the bottom leaves off. I do have some peppers but I put them out late this year around April indoor and in the garden in May. Take a look at the pics of the pepper plants and maybe you guys can tell me a trick or two.
It pains me to see untopped plants :/ you increase your yield by so much by topping. I suggest you go on YouTube and type in how to top pepper plants. It's probably too late to top now since u have the pods and everything but topping pushes all of the energy to the lower part of the plant and that makes it put out new growth all over which results in a shorter, stronger plant that will give you a lot more yields aswell.