Noob Questions

stillmanz said:
Fatallii are my favourite evn though its a stretch calling them habs but always like togive them a plug.

1. Why wouldn't you call them habs?

2. What is it about them that you like so much?
Habaneros fro me are chinensis peppers that are associated with central America the carribean and south America, Just in my head when I think Habanero I think of the classic O hab ore red hab shape... I mean at the end off the day refering to all chinensis peppers as Habanero is such a lazy way of defining a pepper... (and then you wouldn't call a scotch bonnet a habanero but people do)
I personally would think of nagas and fatalii as not habanero type a) neither are naturally found within said regions and b) they have a different shape (very vague I know but I'm sticking with it lol)

I love fatalii because of the way the heat hits your mouth and the way its flavour permiates through food. It has such potential in many cultural cuisines, it dosn't just bring heat it brings layers of flavour.
that is all... lol

I totally agree. Its been one of my favorites for several years now. Great flavor and heat, and I wouldn't call it a habanero either.
Calling all chinenses habaneros, as is so common, puts chile taxonomy (already bad) back another 5 years.

Habaneros are chinenses from Havana, Cuba......
stillmanz said:
Habaneros fro me are chinensis peppers that are associated with central America the carribean and south America, Just in my head when I think Habanero I think of the classic O hab ore red hab shape... I mean at the end off the day refering to all chinensis peppers as Habanero is such a lazy way of defining a pepper... (and then you wouldn't call a scotch bonnet a habanero but people do)

Ok, that makes sense.

I refer to them not as habaneros, but habanero types when I'm talking. It is an easier way to explaining what the peppers are than trying to go into an eye glazing pontification on pepper taxonomy. I run into the same problem when I'm talking about mice, rats and Peromyscus.

I personally would think of nagas and fatalii as not habanero type a) neither are naturally found within said regions and b) they have a different shape (very vague I know but I'm sticking with it lol)

Well, but, all peppers came from that region, so I do get a little hand wavy on the subject.

I love fatalii because of the way the heat hits your mouth and the way its flavour permiates through food. It has such potential in many cultural cuisines, it dosn't just bring heat it brings layers of flavour.
that is all... lol

Well, I don't munch the really hot ones, but that's why I like chocolate habs and Caribbean Reds. I think they add so much flavor to the food when I use them for cooking.
I'm with stillmanz: all habaneros are chinenses, all chinenses are not habaneros. It is always better to be clear when you refer to chiles or there 1000 questions from new growers about what they purchased on Ebay.

Taxonomy of chiles is complicated enough without intentional confusion.
Pam Yes all peppers originated within the region but it took distance and new conditions, line breeding and miscelanious crossings etc to allow them to be the peppers we see today which gives them right to their new locality.
I'm Australian but my grandparents were german and English,but all all man originated from wondering tribes around Africa.. I doubt they will give me instant citizen ship in Uganda lol.
thepodpiper said:
Pam, are you saying that your Choc Habs are not really hot?


No, I'm saying they add good flavor to food when I with them. Sorry I wasn't clearer. I plead that I've had company since the 19th and had time for pepper chats only in fits and starts, usually early before the company was up.

Now the house is empty but for the dogs and cats and me. I've been dying all week for a little quiet catalog fondling time, but I find I'm a little lonely.
I have to agree Pam, one of my favorites for flavor is my Choc Hab and the heat from these is right up there with my Bhuts and Nagas. They are insanely hot.
