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Noobie needing help, with DWC & Ghost Peppers !

This is the first time I have ever tried growing the Ghost peppers, I have 2 plants both were started in the pots arond first of march, now both of them
are attempting to bloom, none has set as of now. I am wanting to move them both over to a DWC hydroponic system in the 5 gallon buckets, I have found
my 8" net pots i want to use along with the air pumps and rock, will also use hydroton for growing medium , The only thing I dont know anything about is , what is
the best neut. to use , how much. best water , (rain water or just tap water), how much neut to use, when to add more, or change out water, and have seen
alot of talk about the ph as well, and adjusting the neut. levels. Any help with this will be appreiciated, as I have looked at several sites and none really explains this
too well. just like to make sure now to kill them , Thanks for any input in advance..
Unable to post pics as of now, will post them later. ( i Hope) .
pH of nutrient solution should run around 6-6.5.
Tap water is fine as long as the pH isn't way out of bounds (very hard or soft).
In a 5 gallon system, you will start with a full reservoir and top off as needed (how will depend on nutrient intake and size of plant as well as various environmental factors).
If you haven't grown hydro before, start with a simple 2 part nutrient
. Flora Duo by GH will have everything you need to grow, is easy to mix and fairly cheap.



Check out our grow log here on THP featuring dwc as well as our blog entries for more info... Thanks!
how big are these plants you want to move to the DWC ? its a PITA to move big plants from soil to hydro as you have to wash off damn near all the soil off the root ball. you are better off to start new seeds and planbt a seedling in the dwc.