Normal for Sugar Rush Peach..?

 Got this plant as a small 6" plant about 3.5weeks ago. Its grown to about 12" now. Not sure if the new growth area on top was like that or is something new..? Think it had broad mites(or something..?) when I got it, so sprayed it a few times now and repotted it with a light airy mix in a bigger pot.
Its my only sugar rush so hate to lose it or have it not go to fruit...
What do you guys think is up, whats a solution..?


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Is this stuff good enough, its says it kills mites...?


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Nope.  Neem or Azamax.  Azamax is basically neem + surfactants, but it's expensive.  Neem + soap is cheap, but a pain in the ass to deal with. (for most people, anyway)  Pick your poison, but get on it, and stay on it, or you're going to lose that plant, and then they'll spread.
Picked some of this stuff up along with the Dr Earth a few days ago. is it any good..? Ran out of my cold pressed neem.


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That is a clarified extract.  It is my understand that it needs to be100% Cold Pressed Neem Oil with Azadirachtin.  Not sure if I can post a link to a site where I bought it but it is highly concentrated and you use very little.  I am thinking it was 1 tsp per quart of water along with some Dr. Bronners soap.  P.M. me if ya want the link.  Or if a mod approves I'll post it here.
solid7 said:
I buy cold pressed Neem off of Amazon.  Here's the last one I bought:
Mix 2Tbsp Neem with 1Tbsp Dr Bronner's, for a 2 gallon sprayer.  Emulsify thoroughly before adding to water in sprayer. 
Well, i'd like to spray those broad mites today and no one around here has cold pressed neem. Like you say, I just ordered it off Amazon, wont be here till next week. Can i use the Dr Earth or the triple neem I've got now till my neem cold pressed comes in or will they do nothing. They both say miticide on the bottle..?
They have this in stock at my local HD, is it any better then what I've got..?
acs1 said:
Picked some of this stuff up along with the Dr Earth a few days ago. is it any good..? Ran out of my cold pressed neem.
that will still work, if you already bought it might as well use it. follow the label mixing instructions.
If you haven't sprayed any other oils - Neem, etc, you can dust with sulfur.  That's the nuclear option.  It will destroy broad mites on the first dusting.  (as well as any and all insects, beneficial and otherwise)  Caveat: you cannot, must not, spray any other oil based products for a minimum of 2 weeks after applying sulfur.  Minimize getting it into your media.
I don't trust the Neem based products from the big box stores.  It might work.  Call me a cynic.
acs1 said:
Should the damaged area also be pruned off, or will it 'heal itself..?
Yes and yes.
This is one case where I say topping is a definite yes.  Or you can leave it.  But I think with the plant at that stage, you're money ahead to spray, then top.  Spray first, but maybe then top it, and send the trimmed top to the fire.  Gas grill works nice for this.
mitchNC said:
I use Fungicide 3.  I buy the concentrate and mix it.  Says it controls mites.
The thing is, he is eventually going to be using Neem (per this and other posts) and if that is the case, you have to be VERY careful what you mix it with.  Neem is great stuff, but it doesn't play well with a lot of other things.  However, it's good for about 90% of what most of us have to deal with on our plants.  So, tradeoffs...
OP, be careful what you use, and how you apply the Neem later.  Make sure you do your homework on this...  And also, don't run out of Neem, ever.  Keep it stocked.  It's your best friend in Florida, or so I've found. ;)
solid7 said:
The thing is, he is eventually going to be using Neem (per this and other posts) and if that is the case, you have to be VERY careful what you mix it with.  Neem is great stuff, but it doesn't play well with a lot of other things.  However, it's good for about 90% of what most of us have to deal with on our plants.  So, tradeoffs...
OP, be careful what you use, and how you apply the Neem later.  Make sure you do your homework on this...  And also, don't run out of Neem, ever.  Keep it stocked.  It's your best friend in Florida, or so I've found. ;)
Ok got my cold pressed neem in this morning.
  But used this type neem ↓ stuff on Sat. Will the cold pressed neem play well with the clarified neem I just used..? Or are they not compatible..?
BTW, took your advice(again, thanks), topped it after a fully dousing dripping wet clarified neem spray job. Just days later its doing great, lots of new growth thats not deformed. Guess they like neem... Should all new pepper plant leafs be perfectly flat no wrinkles, or do some pepper plant varieties normally have wrinkled(not deformed) leafs..?...?
solid7 said:
Yes, many varieties have crinkled leaves.  Scotch Bonnets, Habs, crosses thereof, etc...

Ok then, thats what I thought. But these broad mites got me nervous and the wrinkled leaf look of new growth on some plants looks too close to the start of broad mite infestation. How do you tell..?
acs1 said:
Ok then, thats what I thought. But these broad mites got me nervous and the wrinkled leaf look of new growth on some plants looks too close to the start of broad mite infestation. How do you tell..?
Broad mites shut down growth.  The new stuff is stunted, and aborts.  The leaves have a bronze appearance at the terminal bud.  Wrinkly leaves are a lot different than looking like total shit, with no appreciable growth.  Broad mites cause total system shutdown.  Look at your plant in a week, and it will look the same, or worse than when you saw it before.