• Politics are not permitted. There's plenty of places to discuss that elsewhere, and a hot pepper forum is not the place. Thank you for respecting the community!

Not just SHU???

For the most part, the subjective testing for SHU has been abandoned.  In its place, we have the objective gas chromo thing a ma jig.  So when folk say SHU today, they are talking about that objective test.  Was having a conversation about browns and chocolates.  I am sure folk remember how the Chocolate Bhutlah caused many folk to say it was wildly hotter than the Carolina Reaper.  Thing is, the thing has been under development with Puckerbutt for a bit now.  I am absolutely sure they have tested the thing and assume it fell short, else they would be promoting the heck out of it.  Maybe Chocolate Bhutlah is objectively hotter than Carolina Reaper.  Oh but that is just one example.
When New Mexico University's CPI said Moruga Scorpion was the hottest and 7 Pot Brown (later, said to be Douglah) was second hottest, I wasnt growing them side by side.  Later, I grew the two and I really dont think Moruga took it hands down.  My mouth isnt all that accurate, but it seemed like some of the Douglah were hotter than some of the Moruga.  I suppose it was too close to tell, but I my mouth said they were even even though the CPI gas chromio what ja ma jigger said Moruga was hotter.
Since then, I have tried to pay attention to what the shu list values are for chocolates and reds.  It really does seem like the chocolates taste hotter than the values generally given for the pepper.  That is, if a red and a chocolate are both given the same shu by various folk, the chocolate almost always tastes hotter.
So could it be that our modern objective testing just doesn't accurately reflect the felt heat?

High performance liquid chromatography

The lab machine measures the amount of all the capsaicinoid compounds in the sample and correlates that back to the scoville scale.
Typing on the mobile, can't cut and paste, see notes in making hot sauce 101 regarding how different capsaicinoids affect the body. Or is it effect????

Dagnabbit.... Ok Grammer police, please sort it out...

And always avoid the brown recluse!!!!
The 'Kid was in the lobby of an upscale hotel in Seattle.  Called Mom to say 'hi'.  Put the phone on speaker but didnt tell Mom.  "blahblahbla..Well, You Guys Have Fun and remember to Wash Your Teeth and Brush Your Butt!"   
Apparently, the desk attendant got quite a kick out of that~~~~  
grill snip.PNG

true story!
edit for typo
Voodoo 6 said:
Brush your butt erryday. LOL
YEP, cleanliness next to godliness...or some such???  
Or you could just brush yer butt with a nice spicy blend of peppers, salt, spices, mustard, molasses, balsamic and smoke it erry sunday!  :dance:
Voodoo 6 said:
I brush my teeth with your salsa erry morning.
SALSA!!! ~best way to start the day!  
salsalady said:

High performance liquid chromatography

The lab machine measures the amount of all the capsaicinoid compounds in the sample and correlates that back to the scoville scale.

I thought I replied but it seems to have vanished.  Let me try again.  No Salsalady, it is a Gas Chromio Thing A Ma Jig.  Seriously, did I hit the wrong key or was that moderated out of existence?
That's what HPLC is. Different wording in the name. HPLC has been industry standard for testing pungency of things like cinnamon, garlic, peppers, other spices, since 1980-ish.
salsalady said:
That's what HPLC is. Different wording in the name. HPLC has been industry standard for testing pungency of things like cinnamon, garlic, peppers, other spices, since 1980-ish.

Not sure if the standard just doesnt cut it or maybe sauce folk play hot and loose with the numbers.  Seems like there is no reference point or standard.  I'll have two hot sauces with SHU numbers on them and the lower number can seem much hotter.  The same is true of peppers, but I figure that is due to growing conditions.
On the other hand, have been pondering the idea that our genetic make up might be a huge difference in how peppers strike us and how the other things in the sauce might influence how they strike us.  It is all very fascinating.
Voodoo 6 said:
Get one a set up a testing facility.

I forget the screen name, but there is a really nice member here who works for South West Biolabs.  I think he said testing was $50.00 a pop now. Then their is that new home test unit that interacts with your smart phone.  Thinking very bad time to start such a thing.

Now what I think would fly would be actual SHU tests.  Lots of folk doing pod and sauce reviews.  Maybe one of them will look into setting it up.