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not pods are setting...

my habanero has been flowering for 2 weeks now... but... not pods yet.. when the flower drops there will be a yellow spot behind the flower then the flower stem turns yellow and drop

anything should i do ??

ps. how do i edit the topic or delete this post .. to repost ?
What is the day and night temp right now?
night temp abt 24C .day time can go up to 37c..sometimes when i get home the plant would be wilted.. after giving it a good spray of water.. at night it will perk up back.
it started raining again this week..
With out more detailed information it is difficult to asses the problem, since you have the first hand knowledge give this a read and see it any of pertains,

Good Luck SC

The temp is borderline but I've had habs going when it's 85F at night and 105+ in the day. Are they getting any ferts and if so what? I'd say that and they need a good, long drink if they wilt but perk up with a spritz. If the soil is as dry as I think it is they won't mind getting a heavy watering.
It sounds like they jus have too much stress and drop fruit to keep resources in the plant itself.
With out more detailed information it is difficult to asses the problem, since you have the first hand knowledge give this a read and see it any of pertains,

Good Luck SC

ok thanks for the link.. i have read something like this already.. that's why i just move the position of the plant to another side of the house. just did that 2 nights ago. see how it goes. But i had another pepper plant(on the ground) beside it and that plant is producing many pods...and its doesn't wilt like this plant which is in a pot.

keeping my fingers crossed...
The temp is borderline but I've had habs going when it's 85F at night and 105+ in the day. Are they getting any ferts and if so what? I'd say that and they need a good, long drink if they wilt but perk up with a spritz. If the soil is as dry as I think it is they won't mind getting a heavy watering.
It sounds like they jus have too much stress and drop fruit to keep resources in the plant itself.
hmmm talking about ferts .. before the flowering started i did give some foliage ferts.. npk 9:3:3 but not much...just a little. i don't see it anymore on the soil..3-4 weeks ago.
the soil is quite dry because i repotted it with new soil and sand at the bottom, as the plant nearly died last year because of wet feet.... the pot had its drainage blocked so it was very wet inside...
May just give it an Epsom and asprin drink then to help it get over it's "cold" then. One of the experts will be able to diagnose this, could I possibly an OD of N?
May just give it an Epsom and asprin drink then to help it get over it's "cold" then. One of the experts will be able to diagnose this, could I possibly an OD of N?
anyway it survived its cold feet from last nov 2010. just the blossom drop problem now.. maybe too much N...do i flood the pot with water every day to clear the ferts ?
See if you can narrow down the diagnosis further. I don't want to tell you "yes" and then it croaks.... I'm sure there's a thread on here about N that will help out. My first inclination is that MAY be the problem since the ferts had such a high dose.

If you only gave it a little fert, it shouldn't take but a watering or two to clear out the excess. You shouldn't have to waterlog the poor thing like last year =)
See if you can narrow down the diagnosis further. I don't want to tell you "yes" and then it croaks.... I'm sure there's a thread on here about N that will help out. My first inclination is that MAY be the problem since the ferts had such a high dose.

If you only gave it a little fert, it shouldn't take but a watering or two to clear out the excess. You shouldn't have to waterlog the poor thing like last year =)
hmmmm well i have moved its position and lets see if it helps and also i have given a spray of magnesium.
the day and night temps are too extreme the way i see it. you should find a way to stabilize the temps. specially during the day. summer time in our part of the world is near and it's gonna be a bitch of a time trying to get pods to set. looks like i picked the wrong time to build me a new raised bed.

temperature changes of 10c is a huge dip for peppers. but up to 13 degrees, that's just not gonna give you pods if at all.

had the same trouble last year around june through july. my annuums and frutescens weren't phased by the heat, but the chinenses just dropped flowers and pods every time.
the day and night temps are too extreme the way i see it. you should find a way to stabilize the temps. specially during the day. summer time in our part of the world is near and it's gonna be a bitch of a time trying to get pods to set. looks like i picked the wrong time to build me a new raised bed.

temperature changes of 10c is a huge dip for peppers. but up to 13 degrees, that's just not gonna give you pods if at all.

had the same trouble last year around june through july. my annuums and frutescens weren't phased by the heat, but the chinenses just dropped flowers and pods every time.

thanks franz.. i have moved the location... will see what will happen this week.. if not i am going to put it in the shade of my car park and see what happens..

hi AlabamaJack,
What's up?
either that or you can find some sort of ventilation and keep the tropical sun over them.... which would balance things out nicely.
either that or you can find some sort of ventilation and keep the tropical sun over them.... which would balance things out nicely.
ventilation ? can u elaborate on that ?

heheh i can't be putting on a fan for the plant if that's what you mean ?

the plant looks better now at its new place , no more wilting when i get home after work.
no direct sun afternoon onwards. but then its weather is changing again very hot in the afternoon then rain in the evening or morning.