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Not sure what is happening to my leafs

After I pruned my naga viper up, went over board btw, it was coming back nicely. Well afew days ago i noticed some of the leafs seemed to be getting mushy/soft and folding. Here is afew pics http://s1298.photobu...019566343429854

Using pro mix organic, with neptunes harvest kelp fert. Any ideas? it seems it is spreading to most of the leafs, but is still getting new growth. Thanks alot for any advice you can give
It looks like either fert burn or a nute deficiency. How long ago and how much have you been feeding it? Im leaning more towards NPK def. Depending on when and how much you have fed it.
Its getting water about once a week or alil longer, when ever the bag its in is feeling light. I give it the Kelp fert once a week at 1/8 of the doseage the bottle says. It was a week ago now that i last used any kelp fert, and that is the only thing i have used. Should i add some thing else? Really want to keep it orgainc
I use the same fish/seaweed stuff you do along with pro mix hp. It would be hard to fert burn using any neptune harvest product.
That plant is small and should not require water once a week.

Have you added any other ferts to your soil?

As mega said poss nute def.
Yeah, I'd up it to 1/4 strength. Give it a shot of worm juice and bone meal as well! Then after you do that up it to 1/4 strength.
Is that a Stink Bug in the one pic? if so, KILL IT!!!!!!!!

I see the roots dieing on the other end, pot it up and only fertilize bi-weekly at the most, I have 1 year old Sunrise Scorpions in small pots in my own soil mix(never potted up just ferts every month or so) that look better than that plant. you seem to be killing your plant with love, peppers are tough they don't need a buttload of attention or nutrients......GL