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Now i know why they stopped growing

I had quite a few hot peppers in plastic cups i reused . I notice for a few weeks all had stopped growing or most at least. So i took a cup with a young congo from trinicoolie boy and i looked at the bottom a small root strand was poking out of the hole i poke in it for drainage. There was my problem the root were all-ready grown to big for the small pot. So i checked the others it was the same case. The goat pepper i have is only 2 inches tall literally and has 4 leaves about ready to put out its 5th leaf and has a killer root system ! the roots are out of the cup at the bottom.! I had a Bahamas finger planted in a bad are and it was producing peppers and that root system was 1/4th the size of a ping pond ball and so i moved it to the side of the house and the peppers are ripening now. I put some epsom salt ferts on it but its a little droopy but it'll be ok i hope.. Now i'll be looking for some bigger pots for my peppers. My naga was a mont old and a centimetre high i was expecting the same root to much idea but ther root system was not imprssive just like that of a sprout which it looked like except it was growing for a montha nd a half at this point. I t died but not only did i get another naga to sproout today ; two days affer i got a letter i planted scorpion seeds in i cup and in 2 days all four srouts were up and now i have 3 scorpions . Yay me !!!!
I had the same problem as I only brought 3" and 5" pots. In 4-5 weeks my sprouts went from 1" to 5-6" and I had roots about 1" long outside of the bottom of the 3" pot. Someone suggested that I skip the 5" pot and just go to a much bigger pot as I would end up having to replant in a few weeks anyway. I'm waiting for bigger pots to arrive in the mail and a few of my 3" plants have roots 2" long comming out of the bottom. I was just not prepared for the amount of growth I would get under MH grow lights :(
Update. The plants that where planted up from 2" pots to 5" pots have grown to twice the size of the plants that didn't get potted up because I ran out of pots. I really need to take a picture of them side by side. It's amazing how much larger the plants are even though they where the exact same size less than 2 weeks ago. It's almost like the plants that didn't get potted up have stopped growing completly.